My mom is going over to Liz's place today and I am going with her. I know it's time I talk to Willow. The twins are home today.

Liz had names for them because she knew they were twins, she just didn't know the sex

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Liz had names for them because she knew they were twins, she just didn't know the sex. She named them "Matthew and Madox." When we got to Liz's place, Willow opened the door. When she saw me she smiled "Hey Milo... so nice of you to come. Come take a look at the twins." I followed her to the baby room and the twins were sound asleep "They are so handsome...." Willow smiles "They look like Liz except for the hair. They have my dad's hair color for now." I look at the twins they are so precious "I know for sure they are going to be so handsome when they grow up. You have found yourself new models shorty." She laughs "I know right? I actually took so many pictures of them already." I see a tear falling down from her face "How's your dad doing shorty?" She looks at me and gestures for me to follow her out of the room to the backyard. She sits down on a chair and I go sit down next to her. We sat there for at least 5 minutes without talking. Finally she breaks the silence "Do you think it was my mom that did it?" I am not shocked that she is asking "I really don't know shorty. I mean it seems like she has all the motives but she passed the lie detector test." She looks at me "You know my mom is a really good liar. A good manipulator. I would not be surprised if she was the one that wanted Liz gone." I just cannot imagine how far Jacqueline would go to just get rid of Liz and knowing she was pregnant with kids? What kind of person could do that? And yet Willow could believe that her own mother was capable of doing something like this totally baffles and surprises me "You really think your mom could do something like this? To kill someone carrying your dad's babies?" Willow laughs out "Why not? At this point, I can believe anything." I place my hand over hers "Shorty... I know you are hurting... but you know let the police do their work." She looks at me and she shakes her head "There is not a single night after Liz passed away that I can fall asleep. The conversation I had with her that day when we were going to the hospital kept replaying over and over inside my head. You know I forgave her for sleeping with you because she didn't know we were together at that time. You know I forgave her for being the other woman between my dad and mom. I grew to like her... no I grew to LOVE her. She was my family. She was the mother to my twin brothers. We were supposed to be a family. And now she is gone. Don't fucking tell me anymore that good things happen to the good people. Liz was kind.. she was caring and she was loving. She gave my dad the love that he never had. They were supposed to grow old together and now what? They took her away from my dad... she was so fucking young. Do I keep my faith? Do I keep believing in God? NO fucking way Milo. Not anymore." She starts to cry...crying so hard. I got up from my chair and I pull her into me. She cannot stop crying and I start crying too. What she said was true... why? Why did Liz die so young? Why is she even gone? She should be living a great life now with twin sons and a man that loves her. I stroke Willow's head gently as she sobs in my arms. I am hurting too and I know it's no less than how much she is hurting. She says through her sobs "My dad hasn't been eating nor sleeping. He has been hiding in his room. He doesn't want to talk to anyone nor see anyone." I crouch down and look at her "Do you want me to try to talk to him?" She looks at me "He is not going to talk to you Milo..." I tell her "Let me try okay?" She nods "Sure."

I knocked on Sheldon's bedroom door "Mr. Grayson... can I come in?" There is no response "Can I please come in?" There is no answer at all "I'm just going to come in if you don't say anything." There's nothing. I turn the knob and surprisingly it's not locked. I walk in and he is sitting on the bed "Hi Mr. Grayson." He doesn't even look at me. He is holding a photograph in front of him and staring right at it. I walk in and close the door "Mr. Grayson.... Can I sit down?" There is no chair in the room and I decide to sit down by the bed side. He is not looking at me "Mr. Grayson... you know Willow is so worried about you." He is still staring at the photo. I continue "I know you are in pain and you are grieving but so are we all. Willow too... she lost a best friend. You know Mr. Grayson... growing up I admired you ... I really admired you. You have so much ... you having everything that a guy could only wish for. You grew up privileged... like people say with a silver spoon. You have everything set up for you. Then you got married to a perfect woman and you have Willow. A daughter that loves you so much and would always be there for you. Your marriage failed... or you fell out of love and Liz came along. You found love again... not many people would. The best fuckin part of your life now is ... you have a pair of twin sons. They need you Sheldon... they are yours and Liz's sons. You remember you told me only the best for Willow? Then make's the best for your twins too... don't leave them behind. Love them and give them the love they deserve because that's how Liz would want her twins to grow up surrounded by love." Finally he looks at me "Why are you here Milo? You know I don't want you near my daughter." I look at him "Because I love Willow.... I have never stopped loving her. But it's not because of her I am here. I know Liz... and I know for a fact that she loves you. She told me so.... and love really has no labels. Yes I was a maid's son but I made something of myself. If you Sheldon Grayson can love a girl like Liz... and be happy with her. I can love Willow... as a maid's son. I can also give her the happiness that she deserves." He shakes his head "Milo... my son. I never said I didn't like you. I just wanted someone that deserves my daughter. I am just regular man with a family. I have a daughter that I love and I want the best for her." I know what I have to do now "Well... you know your one and only daughter Willow Grayson has been trying to do her best for the past week while you are drowning in your sorrow. She tells me she has to take care of things while you are hiding Mr. Grayson. Your twin boys are home and you should really go say hi." He looks at me all surprised "How are they? I mean are they okay?" I laugh "They are so cute my god... nothing like you. More like their mother." He looks at me again "I'm afraid to look son... I don't know if I'm ready." I cannot believe the high and mighty Mr. Grayson is talking to me like this "You are fine. Let's go look at your sons Mr. Grayson." I get up look at him and extend my hand "Need a hand?" Even though he is not old... but I know in times like this he wants someone to be there. I am here for him and for Willow. Finally he is on his feet again "Let's go... are you sure they are handsome?" I laugh "They are as handsome as they can be Sheldon... but more like Liz." He smiles "That's what I want."

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