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"Hey, Danny, wake up." I heard as I groaned and rolled over, cuddling into Cameron. Then there was a chuckle and I felt a finger poke my cheek.

I grumbled and swiped at the offending finger. "Danny, it's lunch time!" I froze completely at the word lunch. "Food?" I asked groggily before opening my eyes and looking at an amused Lashton.

I hummed and sat up before waking Cameron up. Once he was awake we headed downstairs to the kitchen. Camron clinging to my side and me not speaking a word to Lashton.

I didn't mean to ignore him, but I had too much running through my mind. Like what if he did know about the bullying going on and was trying to fake innocent. Or what if he didn't know but his father did and was apart of it all?

There's just too many questions and not enough answers.

I stole a glance at Ash and saw that he was staring back at me with a worried glance. "Are you alright?" He asked once he realized I was looking at him.

"I need to ask you something later on." I told him he just nodded, his face still caked with worry.

Once we were in the kitchen Ash told us to sit down and make us plates. "Daniel?" Cameron asked after a few seconds.

"Yes baby?" I replied looking towards him. "A-are you gonna let them hurt me again?" He asked nervously avoiding eye contact.

"Of course not! Why would you ask that!" I said frowning deeply. "I guess I'm just not used to someone caring. Normally people get tired of me quickly because of how annoying I am." He explained.

I took his cheeks in my hand and forced him to look up at me. "You are not annoying. You're the most kindest child ever and from the time I've know you you've never complained about anything nor have you talked bad about someone else. If anything they're the annoying ones." I told him before pulling him into my side as he silently cried.

"Is he alright?" Ash asked as he came out balancing 3 plates. I nodded and petted Cameron's head, calming him down. He wiped his eyes and sat up right in his seat.

Ash stared at him with a worried glance and went to say something but was interrupted by a loud wail. I turned to see the same pack warrior from earlier with my baby boy. "The prince is hungry and demands food!" He said jokingly.

I laughed a little and held my arms out to take him. Once he was in my arms I lifted my shirt up and let him drink. He quieted down the moment he started drinking.

I smiled at him fondly and looked up, noticing everyone staring at me. I blushed and switched my position so I was holding Andy in one hand and eating the food on my plate with the other.

"Is it good?" Ash asked. I glanced up at him."yes" I said. Ask smiled brightly and continued to eat with a satisfied grin.

Once we we're all finished Ash took our plates and went to do the dishes. "Daniel can I ask you something?" Cameron asked.

"Of course!" I told him. He blushed a little.

"C-can I sleep in your room tonight?"

I smiled at how adorable he was. "Of course you can, you don't even have to ask. I don't mind." I told him with a loving smile. He grinned and hugged me. I of course hugged him back.

Then Ash came back in and I knew this was my chance. "Cammy, do you know where my room is?" I asked him. He nodded and I gave him Andy before telling him to go there and wait for me.

He glanced at Ash before heading to my room.

"Ash, we need to talk."


Chapter is a bit short. It took me a while to do this since I've been having a tiny bit of trouble wording what I want to happen in chapters.

So sorry if it's boring.



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