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I coo as Andrew yawns. He's just too cute! I wish he didn't have to grow up. I'd keep his as a baby forever.

Lashton comes in the room with a bottle. And hands it to me. I send him a grateful smile as I start to feed Andy. "Danny, do you mind if I spend the rest of the day with Andrew?" Lashton asked. I frowned a little. Do I mind? I mean, I guess Lasthon is practically Andrew's father now.

I guess it's only fair that he spends time with him. I smile up at Lashton. " I don't mind. I mean you are practically his father."

As soon as I said that, Lashton's eyes lit up. "I swear with everything in me that I will protect our son!" He whisper yelled.

I chuckled and gently handed Andrew to him.
He smiled down at him affectionately. "We're gonna have so much fun buddy!" He said in a baby voice.

I chuckled and shook my head. "I'm gonna go find Cameron. My mother's instinct is going haywire." I told him before leaving without another word.

Now then, to find Cameron. First, I check the kitchen. For some reason I thought he'd be there but he wasn't.

Next I checked the main living room but he wasn't there either. Nor was he in the kids living room.

Then I went to where most of the pack mothers and caregivers were. He wasn't there either. I was starting to get frustrated. Like where the hell did you go?!

Wait, damn I'm stupid! His room!

I asked around and 20 minutes later after getting lost twice I'm in front of his door. And I knew he was in there because I heard sniffing.

I knocked on the door and waited for a reply. But it never came. So I slowly opened the door. "Cameron?" I asked as I looked around the room.

Stopping once I layed my eyes on the lump under the bed sheets. I closed the door and walked over to the bed before sitting down. "Cammy?" I said softly, slowly taking the blanket from his face. What I saw broke my heart. Camerons face was from crying so much. He had dry tears on his face and more coming down. I wipe his tears away. "What's the matter love?" I asked but got no reply.

"Cammy, you can talk to me. It's ok."

He sits up and pushes me away. "Go away! You don't actually care for me! You're just pretending like everyone else. No one cares, no one never did! Not even my parents! All you people care about is the way others see you! My parents were thought to be the most "kindest" couple but behind closed doors they were like everyone else! They abused me, they were ashamed of me. All because I'm worthless and wea-"

I cut him off with a hug. "Don't you ever call yourself worthless or weak. Cameron you're more than that. So what you haven't shifted yet? So what you aren't as tall or muscly as others. That doesn't make you weaker! It just means that you look different and if you ask me, being different is the best thing ever." I told him, tears coming to my eyes thinking about the fact that he was abused by not only his parents but his pack. Wait, does that mean Ash also abused him? No, I can't jump to conclusions. "I-I can't tell if you're lying or not." Cameron sobbed, grabbing my shirt with both his hands as he cried his eyes out. I got on the bed all the way and layed down, pulling Cameron on top of me.

Soon, he stopped crying and was just snuggling with me. "Cammy?" I asked he hummed in response. "Did the alpha family abuse you to?" I asked the question that's been on my mind the whole time. "No, I wonder if they even knew what was going on." He said before scoffing. "Of course they did. They know everything but they don't care. They don't care that one of their pack members is being treated badly, they don't care that I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. They don't care at all. All they care about is themselves and their status." He said angrily. But I knew better. I knew he was sad and upset.

Wait, my eyes widened in realization. "When were you diagnosed?" I asked he told me 3 years ago. I gasped in disbelief. What the hell?! No one did something about it? "I think I need to have a talk with the alpha family." I said getting pissed off. I'd quickly come to care for Cameron and the fact that he was being treated this was acceptable.

"N-no! They'll hurt me even worse if they found out I told you!" He exclaimed, tears coming to his eyes again. "No one will hurt my pup!" I growled angrily, my eyes changing from their bottle green color to electric blue. Cameron stared at me shocked before bursting into tears. I could hear my wolf whine and so I pulled him into a tight hug. "Y-you think I-I'm y-you're pup?" I asked through a sob. "Of course, how could I not? You're so kind and sweet. You're absolutely precious Cammy. Everyone else is a fool to not love you." I told his as I kissed his strawberry blonde hair. "D-Don't leave me!" He cried as he looked up at me with his beautiful green eyes. They strangely looked exactly like mine, Andy's and my mothers.

But it's probably a coincidence. I mean, there's thousands of people in the world. "I won't love, I promise but I'm still gonna have a talk with the alpha family. No one messes with my children and gets away with it. They will pay for the pain they've caused you as you grew up." I declared kissing his chubby cheek. Cameron yawned and layed his head down on my chest. "Nap time?" I asked. He nodded. "Will you nap with me?" He asked.

All I did as an answer was put the both of us under the cover and squish him to my chest. I'll be damned if I let someone hurt him while he's asleep. 10 minutes later after I deemed it safe and calmed myself down, I fell asleep.

Ok, so I just realized I never said anything about the hair and eye color of ANYONE except Andrew. Well, I said something about Daniel's eyes buut that's all. So I went back in chap 2 and added their hair and eye color. But if you don't wanna go back,

Daniel has wood brown hair and bottle green eyes like Andy and Cameron.

Cameron's hair like said earlier is strawberry blonde and Andy's hair if you forgot is black

Lashton has black hair, so does his dad. Lashton's eyes are silver. His fathers eyes are ice blue.

Ex-mate(I can't remember his name) hair is black and his eyes are pure hazel.

Riley(the brother) hair is strawberry blonde and honey colored eyes.

Daniel's father has wood brown hair and honey colored eyes.

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