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"Get off of my pack land or face the consequences!!" Was the last thing I heard just as the door closed.

The pack warrior takes me to Lashton's room which surprisingly has a crib and a changing table. I went over to the bed to sit down. As soon as my butt hit the covers, my little angel started to cry.

I gently shook him and shh'd him. "Aww don't cry my little angel. Are you hungry?" I asked after smelling his diaper which wasn't dirty.

I looked over to the gamma who was still in the room. "Could you please go and get him a bottle?" I asked.

He smiled softly and nodded before leaving to do what I asked. While he did that, I continued to rock my baby and attempt to stop him from crying.

After about 5 minutes the warrior came back with a bottle of slightly warm milk. "Thank you-"

"Oh! My name's Ross." He smiled. I smiled back. "Thank you Ross." I said before giving the bottle to my hungry little angel.

He greedily drank it and finished it not even 10 minutes later. Ross passed me a baby towel so I could burp Andy. I smiled at him as thanks and placed it on my shoulder. I layed Andrew on it and started patting his back.

Soon enough he burped and a little spit up came out as well. "Eww." I grimaced.

As I looked at it. I looked back at Andrew who was giving me a toothless smile. "That was very nasty mister!"

He started to gurgle and kick his feet, which told me that he thought it was funny. I rolled my eyes at him with a smile. "I love you so much!" I said and kissed his cheek. Andrew yawns and his eyes start to close. "Guess it's nap time." I whispered as I got up to place him in his new crib.

After I placed him down I went back over to the bed and sat down. It was then I noticed how comfortable I was acting here. This is NOT ok. I need to leave before I get too attached.

If I stay, it'll only hurt me more once Lashton reveals his true colors. It's settled then, once Lashton gets back, I'll tell him about how I can't be his mate.

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