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I smile down at Andy as I walk towards the kitchen. So far, I guess that I'm happy that I decided to stay.

"Oof!" A voice says as I felt something bump into me. I look down and see that I bumped into a kid.

I gasp softly and bend down. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going! Are you ok?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yes, sir." While looking down. "You can call me Daniel. What's your name?" I asked. He looked up with a smile. "I'm Cameron!" He answered. I smiled back.

"Well Cameron would you like to eat lunch with us?" I asked referring to both me and Andrew.

"Ok!" He said before we walked into the big kitchen and I set Andrew into a high chair left in the kitchen.

I make sandwiches and a bottle of milk before setting them down and sitting. I then turn to Cameron who was playing with Andrew.

"So Cameron, tell me about yourself." I said with a small smile. "Ok, well, I'm thirteen years old. I was born on August 23rd and I'm an orphan." He said.

I gave a sad smile, but showed no pity, knowing all to well that he didn't want any. "Well if this makes you feel any better, even just a tiny bit, my parents never really loved me." I said.

He looked at me surprised. "Really?!" He asked. I nodded. He smiled up at me before look behind me and frowning.

Before I could ask what was wrong or turn around, he got up and ran away. I called his name but he kept running.

I looked to where he was looking, but no one was there. I sigh and look down at Andrew.

"Guess it's just you and bud." I said as Andrew looked up at me when I bit into a sandwich I made then looked out of the window.

After an hour, I put Andrew down for his nap. After, I leave to find Ash. I wanna ask him some questions. As I close the door and start to walk down the hall, arms wrap around me.

Surprisingly, I find myself smiling. I turn around look up at him. "I was just about look for you." I told him. He smirked down at me. "Well, now you found me." He said kissing me on my cheek, knowing I'm not ready to kiss him on the lips.

I laughed a little before hugging him back. "So, what did you wanna ask me?" He questioned. "I wanted to ask you about one of the orphaned pups." I answered.

He looked down at me in curiosity. "Which one?"
"Cameron, I met him earlier today. I'm a little curious about him."

Lashton's face lit up at the familiar name. "Well, Cameron is thirteen, both his parents died in a hunter attack but even so he's still pretty cheerful. Though, I think that's because he was only four when it happened.

He also has yet to shift into his wolf. And I'd like to think he gets along with the other pack pups, but he doesn't really hang around them so that concerns me.

But I don't have any proof of anything so I can't just go and blame or accuse anyone of anything." He explained.

I nodded my head with a thoughtful expression. "Why hasn't he shifted yet?" I asked. Ash just shrugged his shoulders. "We don't know. We've even taken him to the pack doctor, but he couldn't find anything wrong with him or his wolf." I frowned. Maybe he's one of the late bloomers.

There have been some cases of pups not shifting once they come of age. Yeah, he's just a late bloomer.

"Wait, you said you think he's not getting along with other pups?" I asked now concerned. "Yeah, but he may just be shy. I'm still looking into it though. There is no way I'll tolerate bullying in my pack!" Ash growled.

"Well if you find anything tell me. I want Cammy to feel safe here. He's a sweet boy and deserves to be treated nicely." I said.

"I agree." Lashton said with a bright smile. I smile back up at him. "You're gonna be a great Lunos." Lashton whispered as he leaned down into my neck. I blushed. "You really think so?" I asked cautiously. I don't know if he's being serious or if he's making a joke.

"Yes, I think so. Better yet, I know so. You haven't been here very long yet you're worrying about our pack members already." He said with a proud smile.

I blushed even more and tried to hide my smile. Maybe being here really isn't as bad as I thought it was.


[A/N: For anyone confused as to why Cameron is being referred to as a pup even though he's 13, all pack children are considered a pup until their 15th birthday. Then they go into training to either be a pack warrior, a pack cook, a pack doctor, or a pack Babysitter/caretaker. Or if they are the future gamma, beta, or alpha then they train to do their job right when they turn 14.]

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