Its been 5 days since they got married but till now they didn't consummate their marriage.

Next day after their wedding was their Reception and was hell tiring for them to even talk.

Well, you can ask me what happened on their wedding night.


Definitely it is a big thing for any girl to get caught by her parents or her in-laws. She was hell embarrassed in front of her father-in-law and when she came to know that it is his plan, she was hell angry with him and ordered him to sleep on the couch that night.

He knows that he did wrong and didn't argue with her anymore, silently he nodded his head and slept on the couch that night.

Later that night, she couldn't sleep peacefully knowing that her husband is sleeping on the couch that too on their wedding night.

Silently she made her towards her husband found him sleeping with a frown on his face. She knows that it is definitely uncomfortable for him like that but what she can do?? What he did is wrong and she couldn't see her husband like that  she couldn't ask her husband to come and sleep on the bed and she did only thing that she thought is right. She slowly crawled beside her husband and slept in his embrace. He smiled slightly very well knowing that she can't sleep peacefully.

Both were spooning ....... and slept in each other's embrace that night.

That night is definitely special for them

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

That night is definitely special for them. Next day morning she found herself on the bed smuggling closer to her husband.

On third day they were in flight for their destination of honeymoon and were hell tried.


On the third day of their honeymoon........

At night.......

They are literally making out on the beach itself. Suddenly he stops and grabs her hand and drags her to their room and immediately starts kissing her all over her face. Suddenly Reality hits her, When he was about remove their clothes. She immediately pushes him and rushes into washroom.

He stood there numb, comprehending what just happened. One moment they are having moment of their life and next moment he is standing there alone.

He immediately regrets for what he did. He didn't even ask her if she is ready if they move ahead in their relationship or not.

How stupid can he be???

Completely blaming himself and feeling guilty he moves closer to the washroom door.

He slowly knocks on the door. He wants to apologise to her. He doesn't want any awkward silence or awkwardness between them. He just wants to settle everything.

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