chapter 30

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happys POV

jax old lady busted through the door and told us the cops were here, we rushed out the door. kenzi was by my side immediately.

one of the FBI agents stepped forward "Mackenzie keller youre under arrest for murder of philip young"

what the fuck! i glance at my old lady. she stepped forward.

"okay. let me see the arrest warrant." she said calmly "you legally have to allow me to see it." she reminded the agent who sighed and held it out. (i have no idea if thats true or not haha)

i watched closely as she flipped through the papers "got a pen. ill be leaving this to be given to my attorney." kenz said "ms. keller lets go."

"theres some discrepancies id like to pass on. which if i have to remind you that is very much within my rights you should be trained some more agent." kenzi snapped.

i wanted to tell her to stop, not to piss them off but i know how hard that is. i watched as she wrote something and underlined some stuff.

"lawyer." she said turning around with her hands behind her back.

she stared at me as they read her, her rights then nodded to me. i nodded back but i really wanted to snatch her ass up and get her out of here, i know she will be okay. but i still worried about my old lady.

she turned to kozik "i need you to go check and see if my truck is ready. keep an eye on it until i get back." she said before they walked her out of the clubhouse.

i turned around and punched the wall behind me "FUCK!" i yelled.

kozik walked up to me "come on hap we gotta go. get this shit handled"

"what you mean kozik? we gotta call lowen." jax said

"it wouldnt hurt to get her there before we can get ahold of macks people. but right now we need to do what she said go where her truck is and take them papers." kozik said grabbing them off the bar. "jesus. the truck is still where i dropped it off with a coworker. only way we can get ahold of who we need to."

jax walked to his old lady and told her to stay by piney and not move. he was having piney and the prospects stay back. "yall lock everything up once we leave. if clay and gemma come back call me and dont leave my old lady alone with them. after what gemmas been doing i dont trust her to be around them."

we rode out with kozik leading the way. we pulled up a house almost to lodi that had a gate on the driveway and fences all around. kozik spoke into a speaker on the fence, a minute later it sprung open. we all rode up the long driveway.

we got off to see tony and a huge guy, he was bigger than quinn, walking out the garage.

"whats going on." tony asked

i grabbed the warrant from kozik "FBI just arrested mack." i hardly ever called her mack unless it was serious or we were in our "working modes"

"what the fuck" him and the big guy said. i handed him the warrant.

"wait a minute. that names familiar. philip young. tiny that was you right"

tiny? the big guy was called tiny? he snatched the warrant out of tonys hands.

"someone set that shit up. they snitched had to of named mack. there was no fuckin evidence or anything, she wasnt even there. thats the only way theyd arrest her. let me call taylor." tiny said before walking off.

"well get it taken care of. dont worry guys. shes been through it before."

"when did you get here." jax asked tony

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