chapter 27

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happys POV

they booked us in the sanwa county jail. where we spent the night then transferred us to stockton. weve been in intake for six days. we should be put in our cells today or tomorrow. it normally takes these fuckers a few. days to the placements figured out.

we managed to get bunks next to each other so we weren't split up, for now atleast. weve been sleeping in shifts so we could watch each others backs.

theyve only allowed is to call our lawyer. jax was the only one who had mack listed as his the rest of us still had lowen listed from when we first got arrested. we would have to have lowen write some paper stating that mack was being added as one of our lawyers. apparently it could take weeks for that to be processd.

jax was at a meeting with his lawyer. i hated that i couldnt talk to her or see her while she was here. i missed her voice, hell i missed her.

i heard the gate open and jax came towards us. we all walked away from everyone else so we could talk.

"mack said hello. shes pissed these assholes wont let us call. said the guys are holding it down. she said if we dont hear anything today shes putting money on our books."

"shes a good old lady. she say how everyone was." bobby asked.

"everyones holding up." he looked at me "apparently our old ladies and abel are having one big sleepover. ashleys been working the office and mack running and working in the shop. said shes freed up the guys to just doing the repos and the prospects are doing those mostly." we all laughed except clay

"since when do we let that shit slide? you say shes your old lady. hap but she doesnt know her place."
i went to hit him but jax stepped in front of me "not here hap. wait till we get out of here."

"yeah im good with it. pretty sure youre the only one who has a problem. shes doing her job. whether its cooking for the guys or making sure they got enough time to do shit for the club.  if she wants to fucking work on cars instead of sitting around all day fine by me, it helps us out. dont worry about what mack does. im tired of telling you." jax told him. there was no room for arguments.

we went back to our bunks and waited for yard time. we had protection set up but i still hated yard time that was the easiest place to get attacked that and the bathrooms. hell anywhere in here could be easy for the right price.

a few hours later after lunch, yard time and some time just sitting around i heard the door open so i looked up.

"teller. morrow. ortiz. lowman. munson. trager." the gaurd called out as one walked towards us. we all stood unsure of what was happeneing "grab your shit."

we all grabbed. the pillows and blanket and went towards the guard at the door. i kept watching everyone around us, i had to have my club back especially my president. the guard follwed after us.

they led us down a few empty halls. ive been to stocken before and this wasnt the way to the regular cells or general population. so far we could be going to the yard, where they had personal visitation or conjugals, either one of those werent cheap amd they werent normally in groups. knowing this make me hyper aware i looked back to tig to alert him.

the gaurd stopped and opened a door, he pulled a laundry hamper out "pillow and blankets in here." this shit seemed sketchy.

he kept leading us down a hall way, i had no idea where it went. he stopped then knocked on a door. after a minute the door opened, he waved us in. "cuffs arent necessary." i heard some man say the gaurd looked then shrugged he undone our cuffs as we walked in the room. when i walked in the room I seen some guy and lowen standing next to each other.

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