chapter 2

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I slowly turned around

"my fucking god, josh?" I said shocked as he picked me up into a bear hug and spun me around.

"what are you doing in California mack?" he asked me with the biggest grin on his face. he held me at arms length to look me over.

"I was on the way to the beach until my baby broke down." I giggled as he made me twirl around

"looking good mack, I was not expecting it to be you who called for a tow." he said with a wink.
"you two know each other?" jax asked waving his hand between us.
"me and mack grew up together, brother." he answered.

at this point several other people stood around watching. I was nervous. i was not wanting to be recognized, I just needed to pass on my message and move on. I was hoping to get in and out but once i realized who i needed to talk to wasnt here i had to figure out a way to wait around. so i figured a broke down truck was a good excuse right. I just hope seeing Josh didnt mess things up for me.

"boy could I tell you some stories about this guy right here." i said as i laughed and side hugged josh.
"I didnt know you were in California Josh, long way from good ole Kentucky."
"why dont yall head on in and catch up." jax said and yelled "prospect watch the office for Josh!!"

Josh asked me if I wanted a drink and led me to a building with a big reaper on it. once we got inside there was a bar to the right and some tables to the left of the room. a couple stripper poles in the corner, I guess they like to party. there were couches and chairs all over and on the far wall were two big double doors with leather on them, and finally a wall full of mugshots.

"what can I get you?" a brunette wearing almost nothing asked giving me with a scrawl on her face. not sure why but whatever.

"I'll take a michelob ultra please." I got some money out of my pocket but Josh pushed my hand away
"dont worry about it mack." he said ask she brought us our drinks.
"so how have you been mack? it's been 10 years since we graduated." he said with a smile.
"I've been good. alot of shit has happened, got over it and have been travelling for the past few years just living life. can we go sit outside I'd like to enjoy the fresh air. how have you been Josh"
"of course mack. I've been good ended up here right after high school been patched into the club for 8 years. walk with me I want show you something real quick though."

he led me towards the wall with the mugshots and down a hallways into what he called his dorm.
"i just wanted to give you a heads up mack, dont ask anything about the club and be careful what you say to the other guys. if they're wearing a kutte dont be smart they dont take kindly to outsiders." he said showing me his kutte.
"okay josh I'll on my best behavior. should I be worried? I can walk to find a hotel if I need to."
"no mack you're a friend of mine you're welcome, to an extent. just be respectful. plus theres someone else I cant wait for you to see." he said as he grabbed my hand and opened the door to leave.

what did he mean? who else could be here with him? there was only one other person I could think of and I hope I am wrong.
"please no is it joey?" I asked pulling back my hand and stopping. there was only one Son I needed to talk to and it was not him. i was starting to thinking coming here may have been a mistake.
"come on mack it's been years since you seen him maybe itll be good?"
"yeah right itll be amazing. maybe I should just go." I said ask I walked past him.
"wait mack no dont go I'll call him and make sure he knows you're here."
"fine Josh but if hes disrespectful I'm leaving if hes not mature enough to be around me that's on him."

Josh's POV

"mack I'm sure he will be glad to see you. I know I am. let me get us a couple more beers and we'll go outside." I told her as I walked around the bar. she waited for me at the end of the bar. I couldnt believe she was actually here she was my best friend growing up and Joey's first love. getting outside I introduced her to the guys.

Mackenzie's POV

"Mack this is chibs" he had scars on each side of his face, resulting in a Glasgow smile. I understood the meaning behind the nickname but I just smiled at him as I said "hello chibs nice to meet ya."
"hello lass." oh man the Scottish accent sounded like an angel. "mack meet tig." "hello tig nice to meet you." "hey doll if you want a real man to show you a good time you just let me know." he said with a wink and flirty grin while he looked me up and down he has blue eye and curly black hair. I just giggled back.

"tig she just got here back up man. plus she's young enough to your daughter. I'm bobby by the way." he wasnt as tall as a couple of the others, had long hair and goodsize belly. "hello bobby nice to meet ya." a guy with a mohawk and tribal tattoos on the sides of his head smiled towards me and said his name was juice. "hey juice nice to meet you." "the guy at the bar is piney thats opies dad. Joey and couple others will be back in a bit." I hope one of the others was who I needed to talk to or I'd have to fix my truck my self and leave.

"you know Joey also?" jax asked he asked sounding suspicious of me. I noticed his kutte said president on it. "oh yeah she knows Joey's shes his high school sweetheart." Josh said laughing. I blushed.
"yeah i had no idea Joey or Josh were in California I'm on my way to San Diego for a job."
"what kind of job" opie asked stepping up next to jax I noticed his kutte said vice president.
"Im a photographer and videographer, I have a couple beach weddings I have to shoot next weekend then I'm gonna stay for a mini vacation before I have to be back in Nevada for a couple more weddings next month." I answered hoping they accepted that I really was a photographer and had weddings to do but i also had something else that needed to be done while I was in California.

"you're that good that you just travel and take pictures? what got you started in it?" jax asked.
"I'm one of the best actually. I got started with my business after I had my son. then four years ago after my husband and kids were killed by a drunk driver I started traveling with it." they all froze and gave me the saddest looks.
"oh damn I'm sorry darlin" jax said stepping forward giving me a hug.
"it's okay I'm at peace with it." I said as I pulled back.

I pulled out my camel menthols and lit one up walking to sit on the picnik table next to josh. jax looked at juice and let him know to run my name he wasnt going to find anything.

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