Chapter 3

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TW: i know i've said this already in the description but seriously don't read this if you have an eating disorder. the last thing i wanna do is trigger anyone because i care and love all of you.
Peter left the locker room embarrassed and on the verge of tears, he didn't care if he were late to class so he went to a bathroom.

He locked himself in the stalls and cried. The way Flash looked at him made him so insecure, yes Flash has tormented him for years and it never got to him that much but now was a different story.

Peter felt disgusted with his body. He feels fat and worthless. His body literally disgusts people because of how fat he is.

May was concerned about Peter's health a while ago, before it got to this point and took him to the doctors. They told him he was underweight and told Aunt May the proper things to feed him.

Peter ate the things May had prepared for him so she was happy but Peter felt disgusted with himself. He wishes he had never ate Aunt May's food those few months ago.

He also doesn't want Aunt May to find out about his eating habits because he knows what happens to people like him, he reads about it on pro-anorexia blogs on tumblr. (lmao i fucking hate pro-ana) He reads that they get sent to rehab as if they have some sort of mental illness and force them to eat. Peter cringed at the thought. He never wants to go to the doctors again.

Peter rubbed his eyes to get rid of his tears and put himself back together so he could focus on school again. He walked out of the stall and looked in the mirror.

He made sure nobody was around and pulled his shirt up.

Fat pig.

Peter squeezed his eyes shut.

Stop eating or you will become obese.

He opened his eyes again. Letting all these negative thoughts roam his mind. 'I'm okay." Peter thought. "I will just purge and i'll feel happy again." Peter smiled at the thought. It was the only time he felt in control, powerful and happy. Is when he knew he was losing weight.

Peter gathered his belongings and headed to class. He remembers this class, science, he has biggest tormenter aka Flash in. He now doesn't want to go to this class but he has to suck it up if he wants to get a good grade.

He walked in class with his head down and put down his stuff on the desk in front of him. He doesn't want to look at Flash or anyone because all that is going through his mind is that they're silently judging him, calling him fat.

It is 30 minutes into that class and the teacher Ms. Lange announced that they have a partner assignment that they won't be able to choose their partners for. Everyone audibly sighed.

"This assignment is 65% of your grade so I better not hear complaining from any of you once you get your partner."

Everyone went quiet.

"Okay. Kendall with Ruby"

"Zachary with MJ"

"Ned and Andrew"

Peter sighed. Are you serious? He was hoping he would get one of them since they're kind of his only friends. But now that's not going to happen and he's going to have to deal with the awkwardness of his partner not wanting to be with him. He put his head down until he heard his name being called.

"Peter with....."


Flash looked like he wanted to scream at Ms. Lange. Instead he just walked over to where Peter was and sat down, slamming his binder down on the table making Peter flinch.

"I'll just do all the work it's okay." Peter said wanting to avoid eye contact with his bully at any chance.


"Sorry, what?" Peter looked at him with a confused face.

"I said no, what if I actually like learning about science? Are you just assuming i'm stupid?"

"No, no, no, not at all, I'm sorry if it came off that way I just kinda assumed you didn't want to do the work because I've done your homework for you and stuff so yeah.." Peter trailed off.

"Well I want to do this project." Flash stated confidently.

"Okay, I guess... Do you know what to do?"

"Yeah it's easy we just have to do lots of research and come up with a presentation for the anatomy of an interesting species..."

Peter was kind of shocked Flash was paying attention.

"Well, okay let's get started then." The smaller boy stated.

They didn't have much time to study in class because of the bell ringing so they would have to go to one of the others houses to continue this project.

"So you want my number?" Peter mumbled quietly.

Flash just awkwardly pulled out his phone while saying yeah.

Peter put his number into Flash's phone and said "I will just text you my address, I live in apartments by the way."

"Okay sounds good." Flash said. But before leaving he had to say one thing.

"This doesn't mean we're friends, by the way. I still hate you and don't wanna be seen with you. I just need to get a good grade." Flash stated.

"I know. I didn't assume we were friends anyway." Peter mumbled under his breath.


Then he watched Flash walk away off to his next period.

~ time skip ~

It's 2:45 PM and school is finally over. Peter silently thanks god. Today was a horrible day. First Flash broke his phone, made him cry in a bathroom stall and now he is going to know where Peter lives because of a stupid project.

He remembers his Aunt May is not going to be able to pick him up so he walks home. He reaches his front door and is welcomed by the fresh scent of his apartment. It is small, yes but very homey. He walks over to his bedroom and lays his backpack down before face planting onto the bed.

Peter feels the rumble in his stomach indicating for him to eat something but he ignores it. The last time Peter ate was yesterday afternoon and it was just one slice of an apple and bowl of oatmeal.

Peter doesn't even bother changing into more comfortable clothes because of how tired he is. He just slips into the covers and slowly falls asleep, taking a nap to forget everything.

so that was the third chapter. i did some research and read articles about how life is for people who suffer with anorexia nervosa so i can depict peter with a eating disorder accurately. it is very sad and my heart goes out to people who suffer with any eating disorder. it's a very serious mental illness.

thin // peter parker x flash thompson (INCONSISTENT UPDATES)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang