A Step In the Right Direction

Start from the beginning

Another hour had passed when Mugman could tell that his brother was starting to get bored with their usual games. The young mug had learned the sign that Cup was losing interest. Mug watched as he started tilting his head down. It then lurched back up, throwing his straw back and forth. Both the liquid and straw sloshed around. He would keep doing this, tilting his head more and more, testing how far it would tip before something eventually spilled out. The cup child never meant to drain his head of the whole pool. Just to test the limits of how much it took to throw a little out. Mug was scared that he was going to spill it on the chess board.

He was about to say something to his brother when a group of voices traveled their way. The cup brothers identified them as a few of their peers from the youth group. However, this was the group of rebellious youngsters who often skipped out of class and played pranks on the locals. Cuphead liked these kids and often wanted to join them. They made him feel welcome and praised any tricks that he pulled. Mugman, on the other hand, didn't quite feel that way. The young mug was only part of the group because he wanted to be with Cuphead. He didn't always approve of what the kids did, and sometimes thought they took their pranks way too far. If the mug child tried to speak up about it, the members of the group would then pull a trick on him. It was their way of reminding the mug to keep his mouth shut and head down. As long as he did those things, he was allowed to be with them. And he did because he knew Cuphead liked them and thought of them as his closest friends. His brother knew nothing about these punishments that poor Mugman had to endure from the group.

"Hey guys! What's up? Cup happily greeted them as he stood up. He trotted over to talk with his buddies. Kids in the group ranged from birds and frogs to an axe and a spoon, who was the leader of the pranksters.

"Hey, Cups!" The utensil spoke with his smooth, and even charming, tone. "We have a plan to prank the Barbershop Quartet! You should come! We could really use your help!" A gloved hand adjusted the red and white striped tie that hung down in front of his blue suit. It looked like it had been ironed perfectly. There was not a speck or wrinkle to be seen upon the spoon's clothes. For he was a little rich boy who enjoyed nothing more than to talk down to others whom he deemed inferior.

Cuphead was overjoyed that they wanted – no they needed! – his help.

"Y- " He began to answer without a thought, but then remembered Mugman. His cup turned around and saw his sibling still sitting on their picnic blanket. The young mug stared at him intently, waiting for his real answer.

"No, I can't." The child replied with a sigh. "Sorry, but I'm supposed to stay with Mugman." Even though his words said loyalty to his brother, Mug could tell that Cuphead truly desired to join the others. So that's when the young mug made a decision.

"Go ahead, Cuphead." Came his sibling's voice. "You should go have some fun. It isn't fair for you to be stuck at home because of me."

"A-are you sure, Mugs?" Cup asked with hope. He couldn't believe that Mugman was letting him go play away from home for a little while. "You would be okay by yourself here?"

"Yeah. No worries. I can take care of myself." The child said with no emotion attached to his voice. Showing feelings around this group was a dangerous game. It was best for the mug to be neutral. Nothing could be used against him if there were no emotions involved.

"You're the best, Mugs!" Cuphead beamed. "See you in a little while!" A gloved hand waved goodbye to his brother as he left the boundary of his home.

"You made a good choice, Cup." The spoon said smoothly, placing a hand on the cup's shoulder. "You'll be much happier out here with us!" He said it so that the little mug would hear his bragging words. Mug felt a twinge of sadness within his heart. Because, in a way, he knew that the utensil was right. Cuphead really did enjoy their company. There was no denying it.

Cuphead and Mugman in "Fate Will Find You"Where stories live. Discover now