09 Warpaint

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I couldn't help myself. Chance asked Harper out. She liked him, at least enough to say yes. And I'd said I wished I'd asked her out.

"I'm being stupid," I said softly as I turned off my console and TV.

I had days to reveal I was Grelvene to her and ask her out. Before I even caught Chance making goo-goo eyes at her. I should have asked her out when I saw her picture of the archer. The opportunity was there. She'd let me into her room and she hadn't tried to hide it. I was captivated by the archer. Even without full color or details, she was stunning. I wanted to see her completed. I wanted to see Harper's other works. If that was a rough sketch, I couldn't imagine what a completed work looked like.

It was my moment. My moment to tell her about Grelvene and to ask her out. She might have said no to me, but at least I'd have tried. I smacked my forehead with my palm. I was making drama. I needed to stop it.

Yet, I couldn't. While one half of my brain said to be good and leave it alone, the other half made plans to go to Jessica's bonfire. When I finally fell asleep I dreamt of the archer on horseback.


"We need to hit Harper back," Josh said as we drove to school on Friday morning. "You're going to that bonfire, right?" He asked. "You could, I don't know, pants her!"

I glanced over at him in disgust and horror. "I am not pulling your sister's pants down in front of our class. Think less perverted."

Josh tapped his lip, thinking. His face tightened and I reached over to pat his shoulder. "Don't hurt yourself, Josh. We'll get her back, don't you worry. We need to think of something she loves, like a food, and trick her into eating a rotten version of it or something."

I pulled into the student parking lot and saw Derek and Zane flirting with Jessica, Bethany and Krystal. When I parked I went over to join them. I sent Josh on his way today, I needed some time with other seniors for a change. They stopped talking to greet me as I sauntered over to them.

"Tonight's the big night," Jessica said. She bounced on the balls of her feet. "You boys think you'll make it?" The question was directed at all of us, but Jessica looked at me. She winked at me and then turned a light shade of pink.

"I'll be there for sure, can't disappoint my fans after the game." Derek flexed his bicep, giving it a little kiss.

Krystal rolled her eyes, but Jessica clapped with glee. Bethany just lifted an eyebrow. Ah, young love.

"I might make an appearance." I inspected my nails like they were more interesting than this conversation.

Zane shouldered me, making a face. I just shrugged in response. I didn't want to look too interested.

"Really?" Krystal seemed genuinely shocked. "You run out of college girls in Albany?"

"Maybe I just want to enjoy these precious few months I have left with my classmates before we all head to college."

"Sounds like a real load of crap," Zane said. He elbowed me in the stomach. "The girls of the University of Albany will weep into their pillows tonight."

I ran a hand through my hair and smirked like I cared not for the girls or their broken hearts. Like there were real girls heartbroken. I was really just disappointing my alliance by not getting on tonight. They would weep for the absence of Grelvene.

"Will Max Draven even come to the game?" Derek asked.

"I haven't bothered with that these last four years, I don't see any reason to start now." I patted his cheek.

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