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After 6 hours,the surgery is fully success. Jungkook still in coma and they have to wait until he wake.BTS now announce to tge world that thay will take off their schedules because of a few reason.

Next day,
"Good Morning!!Jeon Jungkookie!How are you? ",Jimin open the door and smiles at Jungkook who's still coma on the bed.

"Let's see,what we can do for today...arhh.. first,i want to tell you about what hyungs do. Jin-hyung and Namjoon-hyung are working part time as police...Hobi-hyung and Yunki-hyung are busy trying to working for our new album when you awake soon..You have to wake up Jungkook...we'll always waiting for you..we'll take care of you..never do like that again..", Jimin said while cried a lot talking by himself and just stares at Jungkook.

"Ah..Mr Park right?,",the doctor come and greet with Jimin.

"You have some relation with this person right?",the doctor give a picture of Jeonna.

"nope..but we know her..she is this patient's cousin.Why?",said Jimin with a blank face.

"Actually,she's awake...i can't contact with anyone.Do you know where did her parent live or their contact??",ask doctor.

"..sorry we don't have any number of her parent..but can i visit her?..",Jimin ask permission for look Jeonna's condition.The doctor nod.Jimin bow as thank to the doctor.

"Jungkookie..Jeonna is awake..i want to meet her...I'll be back."said Jimin and leaving.Jimin heading to Jeonna's ICU.

"Hi Jeonna,how are you?"Jimin enter the room with his sunshine.

"ah..Jiminnie?..yes..i just feel better.",said Jeonna giving a big smiles making Jimin feeling relieve about Jeonna still fine.

"I glad you still alive...",said Jimin.

"yeah..actually..that day i-",Jimin cut Jeonna sentence..

"You..can tell us later about what happen Jeonna,now all you need rest well.Dont be so much stressing on yourself."said Jimin.He want to tell her about Jungkook but he let Jin tell her making her understand the situations.

Jeonna smile again and start to staring at the flower.

"I thought..i died..in that time..",said Jeonna. Jimin shaking his head.

"don't..tell the pass okay..that person already arrested..",said Jimin making Jeonna's eyes open widely.

"Seriously??? Are you saying the truth?I thought he take Jungkook!",said Jeonna.

"Take Jungkook?.."Jimin start to think what mean of Jeonna.

"Yes..the day i have overseas at there,i want to give him something.When i saw Jungkook i want to call him but JungHoo give me an injection making me sleep.When i woke up,i was abused by him.He said that he want to make Jungkook suffer..because of he is my brother..he always love mom..but he didn't know that Jungkook was abused by my mom.Knowing that Jungkook was serious condition,someone give some untrue story saying that Jungkook make mom got to the prison..."explain Jeonna. Jimin seems like he worried on Jungkook now.

"Anyway..Jeonna..i have something to tell you.. It's supposed Jin-hyung tell you by himself but i want you to know the point i want to tell you..",Jimin tell everything on Jeonna about what happen.Seems like Jeonna really having through her coma for a month.

"So..is he will be alright?I want to see him!" Jeonna start to panic.

"Take easy..you can't stressing yourself..don't worry..my hyung already look at him."said Jimin. Jeonna reach Jimin's hand and begging on him.

"Please..protect him..he just only a little cousin i have..",said Jeonna.She have a problem to walk because of to long in coma.

"Always.."said Jimin.

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