"we'll be with you"

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All of them are gathered at practice room after got a message from their manager.

  "so..let's do some movement while waiting for manager come??",said Hoseok as leader dance.They all agree and do some practice.Jungkook just standing at the side of wall and just staring at them.

  "Jungkook-ah..ahh i almost forgot..let me teach you the step by step how to do the dance like them.",said Hoseok when he saw Jungkook didn't do anything.

  "Hoseok..he is shy..",Namjoon whispered to Hoseok.

  "I knew it already..so give me a time to do with him okay?",said Hoseok with a big smile.

"hey..jungkookie!..can you company me for a second?i'm promise not to long..",said Hoseok and give a blink right eyes to Jungkook.Jungkook just nodding without no refuse.

   "woaw?..How Hoseok-hyung do that? Jungkook just follows hyung without any refuse??"

"to be honest...i can describe how Jungkook now...he not just followed Hoseok..but he trying to make himself knowing about us.So guys..let help him to be not shy in front us.He still a little young...we didn't hear his voice yet..i really want to know..like Manager said..", said Namjoon.They back to practice without Hoseok and Jungkook.

Hoseok POV
    Should i do something with him?hmm he really so young..with his age..what is manager's mind?

  "Hyu..ng..watch out!",Jungkook immediately grab my hand when i almost bumped with the staff who are busy carrying big mirror.

"Ahh..thanks..that mirror aree so expensive..maybe..if  you not around me..maybe i will got a big problem here.." i said to him and tapping his shoulder.He just smile and i see how he look so shy now.I chuckle a bit when I'm looking at him.

"sorry...",he said.

   "it's okay...let's go by some drink at machine drink?",i said to him and he just nodding with his red face.


The others are taking a break.

  "Why..Hoseok taking for so long?",sigh Yunki while laying on the ground.

The door just opened.It's Hoseok and Jungkook are brought plastic of drink.

  "sorry guys..we're late..."said Hoseok with a long smile look at Jungkook.

  "..Sorry..for everything..hyungs..i..i will.. Working really hard..with you guys..i.. hope you..guys..can...c-can..teach me more...",Jungkook in stumble.

All of them are smiling at Jungkook and give him a suppoort.

  "Don't worry..we will rise you..",said all of them together.

  "but..can we hear your voice?",ask Jimin.Jungkook's eyes open really big as he surprises with Jimin's request.

"Hey hey..not so hurry about this..let's do some ice breaking!",Namjoon said with his big smile.All of them are confused when they hearing Namjoon's idea.

  "what ice breaking means?we breaking some ice?",said Taehyung and the rest are laughing.

"No..ice breaking is..let's knowing about each other..all of us will introduce yourself again..and ask something that you wanna know.I will ask manager to give our profiles."said Namjoon.Jungkook looking so worried about something.Jimin are getting something from Jungkook's expression.

Jimin POV
  seems like Jungkook having problems. He look so..down..i think..something that he don't want all of us knowing?

_____(They sitting on the floor with circle position.)_____

"okay..let's start with Jin-hyung!!"said Namjoon.Jin are making choices to chose paper giving by manager.

"ahhhh...i got..profile about..Jiminnie!..so Jimin!!! Intro yourself",said Jin with full of energy.

  "My name is Park Jimin..i have a brother..hmm..then age 17 officially."said Jimin.

"Why i can't see your eyes when you in smiling???",Taehyung trying to change the scene.All of them are laughing in silent.They all knowing each other with 'ice breaking'.Until Jungkook's turn.

"I got Jungkookie!Okay Jungkook..start!"
Said Hoseok happily.

Jungkook are lower is head first as he show his respect on his hyung and

"..My name is Jeon Jungkook..honestly i just back from America..for learn how to dance.I'm not major in dancing or singing.. Sorry..."said Jungkook.

  "So..in middle school..you are major in taekwando??Wow..you are the international's battle in taekwando.. Not everyone can do this..can you share about your experience??"ask Namjoon as he read Jungkook's profile even though it's Hoseok turn.

  Jungkook just look down and feeling so sad.

"Jungkook-ahh..listen here..you can see us as your brother.."said Yunki.All of them feeling touched when they hearing Yunki was made his word.

"Actually...i quit from that club..after lose at international match.I got..serious injured when i facing someone stronger Since that day..i leaving all my life as taekwandoe..and start working at Seoul.When people sees me..all of them will talk or saying about my losing..."said Jungkook who almost cry.Jin and Jimin are sit next to Jungkook and rub his back.

"sorry..for asking..why are you suddenly lose to him?..",ask Namjoon.He really want to know the story.

  "He cheated.He use something that broke Jungkook's knee.The was lost his presence and passwed out..The judgment are made their decision as Jungkook is disqualified because he will not able join the match anymore.So Song Heiji are win with not fair and cheated." said Yunki.All of them stare at Yunki how he can knew about Jungkook.

  "Is that true??Jungkook-ah?",ask Taehyung.Jungkook are nodding.All of them was shocked when they hear about Jungkook's black memories.

  "Yunki-hyung..where did you know?",ask Jimin.

"actually,i always watching taekwando battles in social..so when i look at Jungkook back,his face are not like in this channel..so i didn't recognize his face anymore.."said Yunki.All of them now know about Jungkook's feeling.

   "hey..let it be..now we all will do the best..and Jungkook,we'll promise that we will rise you well..okay"said Namjoon.

"yeah..we will do it together..let grow up together.."said Jin

  "bangtan are family"said Taehyung. jungkook was smiling while tear are fell.

"Jungkook?why are cry?"ask Hoseok.

"I..never feel like this before..thankyou hyung..I'm promise that i will work very hard start from today "Jungkook bow 90 degrees.

  "Jungkookie!!you don't have to be politely to us..just call our name"said Namjoon.Jungkook refuse and wanted to call them 'hyungs'.


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