She giggles sweetly as the bell rings, walking off with an arrogant aura.

I realize that if I don't hurry up, I'll be late myself, so I run off to my next class.

Damn it!

Why is everyone but Alfred frickin' against me?

I enter my English class, sitting down and trying to act like nothing had happened.

I look at the poster one more time before shoving it into my backpack.

Perhaps I'll take Alfred up on his 'prank' after all....


"So, what made you change your mind?" Alfred smirks as we enter the Lunch Hall in the West Dormitory.

"The posters," I reluctantly admit. "Seriously, why are your friends so mean?"

"What?" Alfred laughs. "They're not my friends at all! No, no. My friends are way cooler and chill than that."

"That wasn't even proper English," I scold him, "but okay. If they aren't your friends, who are?"

"There, that's him, big brother!" a familiar voice interrupts us as Natalya and a tall male come up to us.

"The short one?" the male asks with a sinister smile.

"No, the other one," Natalya huffs. "He's the jerk!"

"You told your brother?" Alfred laughs. "Wow, and I thought that you were above that, honestly."

"If I can't kill you," Natalya threatens, "my brother will."

"Especially with my metal pipe," he adds on, showing off a huge pipe.

Jeez, Louise!

Where did he even find that thing?

"Ivan Braginski!" the Principal yells at him, walking up to us and taking his metal pipe away from him. "No weapons on the premises."

"Yes, Ma'am," Ivan nods in agreement, his sickening grin still on his face.

"You're dead, Jones," Natalya warns him. "Just you wait."

"She has a point," I speak up. "You didn't even apologize, Alfred."

"Yeah, I guess so," Alfred sighs, looking at them. "I'm sorry, Natalya, I really am."

"Thank you," Natalya sneers as they walk off, leaving Alfred and I alone again.

"That was...interesting," I cough out awkwardly.

"Yeah," Alfred laughs. "Anyway, ready?"

"They haven't even done anything," I counter. "What would be the point if-"

"They're still letting you come to school here?" Rikki scoffs. "Jeez, what high grade scholarships did you receive?"

"Probably lame ones," Dax snickers.

"Or ones that they only offer to Redcoats," Claire adds on.

"Okay, now they've done something," I smirk, grabbing out my Spell Book and flipping to the Spell that I had already planned to use for this prank since yesterday.

I close my eyes, beginning to chant in Arabic again as I hear Rikki, Dax, and Claire whimper in fear.

Another great wind starts to howl around the Lunch Hall, and people already start screaming while trying to find a way out.

I chant louder, smirking in pride as I hear all of the doors lock, just like I want.

The lights rapidly flicker on and off, turning off completely with sparks flying.

Everyone starts screaming louder, trying to find each other in the dark, but it's no use; the doors are locked, so there's no escape.

"Try all you want," I telepathically use my voice to echo all around the room, scaring everyone even more, "but you won't escape this place. All of your exits are locked, and they shall continue to be."

"What the hell?" Rikki yells above the wind and my chanting.

With just one, final word, everything stops.

No more wind, no more chanting.

Just silence, darkness, and useless attempts of trying to escape.

"What just happened?" Dax wonders. "There's no way that he could have done that all by himself!"

"I'm starting to get scared," Claire trembles.

"Well, that was fun," I grin darkly, closing my Book to look at how scared they are.

Ha, just like Alfred! I think with even more pride.

"You mean you-" Rikki cuts off before everyone starts screaming again.

"Ha, ha!" Alfred laughs. "Look at all of them, running around and screaming!"

"You know, for my first prank," I start off, "that wasn't as awful as I thought it would be. It was...actually kind!"

"Told you!" Alfred grins, pulling me into a side-hug. "Now, you should probably reverse it before we get in trouble."

"I think we are already in trouble," I laugh, "but you're right. Hold on a second."

I clap my hands five times, and everything goes back to normal.

The lights turn on, the doors unlock, and everyone runs out of the Lunch Hall in fear.

Alfred and I laugh harder, high-fiving each other for our victory.

Two males come up to us, and I can't help but grin at them.

"Hey, that Spell you did," one starts off in a monotonous tone, "it was...uh...pretty cool."

"Better than cool!" the other one interrupts. "That was awesome! I've never seen someone do something like that before!"

"Thank you," I reply. "It's my favorite Spell. It's called "Locked In."

"It's kinda' the same as your other one, though, isn't it?" Alfred teases. "Lame."

"Hey, that other one that I showed you is also one of my favorites!" I defend with a laugh. "It's called "Blackout."

"So, you can really do the Spells with your Book?" the second male grins. "That's amazing! You should totally join our Magic Club! Oh, I'm Vladimir, by the way."

"And I'm Lukas," the first male nods.

"Arthur," I introduce myself politely. "And you two have a Magic Club? No way! So, you can do stuff like this, too?"

"More than that!" Vladimir replies excitedly.

"I'll gladly join!" I agree, happy to have some more friends now.

"That's great to hear!" Vladimir answers.

"Too loud," Lukas scolds him.

"Sorry," Vladimir chuckles nervously.

"Arthur Kirkland and Alfred Jones!" the Principal yells at us. "My office, NOW!"

Oh, boy.

Here we go.

The Day We ChangedWhere stories live. Discover now