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Brett had been surprised when Eddy had said he'd do the shopping around a week later. He had for sure seemed better. They had been sleeping together again, something Brett loved and Eddy seemed to benefit from. He hadn't spotted any new cuts on his body, and he would have noticed them due to their sleeping situation. He had gotten skinnier from the last time they had been out swimming, Brett finally discovered, but he seemed to be eating normally again. It had all really been a complete turnaround over just a day or two, really fast. Brett had caught himself thinking it was too quick, but when he continued the pattern for the remainder of the week he finally settled. Hopefully, Eddy was finally getting better.

Before Eddy had left, they had recorded a video for the channel to be uploaded as soon as they could edit it. They had finally ran out of videos to post, and was really running behind now. Brett had offered to edit it while Eddy was out shopping. It was just a simple video where they had been answering questions from the various social media they were on. A bit like the roast us-video they had done earlier. Brett looked through the material he was working with, and most of it seemed fine with little editing. He had to put the questions on the screen for the viewers to see, of course, which took up most of his time. It would be a long video, but the fans deserved a long video after the radio silence from them lately.
"Eddy, you've seemed a bit off lately! Are you okay?" he heard himself read on the video, a question from a concerned fan. Brett had really wondered the same, but as expected he didn't go into details in his reply.
"It's true, I've been a bit off lately. It's gonna be fine again any time now, though! No worries!" he had replied, followed by that sweet smile of his. Brett could see his own cheeks flare up in the video and he facepalmed mentally. It was really that obvious, huh? He wish he had been hiding behind the microphone like he often did when they did videos like this, but unfortunately for him he didn't. He decided to let it pass, give the crazy fangirls something to write fanfiction about. Stuff like that sold merch, and they needed the money when the ad revenue dropped because of them not uploading anything.

"Hey", Eddy said as he entered the house and kicked off his shoes. Brett hadn't seen him properly dressed before he went out, but he really seemed to have put an effort into his outfit. A pair of regular black skinny jeans, the "interesting"-merch t-shirt and his pink hoodie under his jean jacket. Brett could still remember borrowing it for that time he went out, how it had smelled like Eddy.
"Hey! Looking good today", Brett commented truthfully as he had just caught himself thinking about it. Eddy shrugged.
"Thanks, I guess?" he said before quickly going into the kitchen with the groceries. Brett could hear some clinking and the fridge door opening and shutting in the background while editing. He tried to ignore it, but was distracted anyway by a text message lighting up his phone. A few friends were going out that night to have fun. He felt a pair of long arms wrap around him from behind and Eddy's chin rested carefully on the top of his head.
"You should go, it could be fun", Eddy suggested after reading what the message said over Brett's shoulder. Brett shrugged.
"I mean, I guess. You're not going?" Brett knew the answer to this already just from the way he had suggested going out, but he wanted him to come with him if he were going.
"Nah, I don't think it would be... uh... good for me", Eddy replied hesitantally, and Brett thought he understood what he was referring to.
"But you should totally go, it'll be fun."

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