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Eddy didn't sleep that night either, except for the few second he nodded off at the kitchen table right before Brett walked in.
"Morning, sunshine", he said in a joking manner to Eddy who jumped up to sit upright at the sound of his voice. Instinctively he checked that his sleeves were properly pulled down, and he eventually managed to slow his breathing after the adrenaline rush.
"Shit, you scared me..." he mumbled with his eyes fixed on the table top. He still had his hood up, partly to disguise the fact that his hair was all nasty and greasy from him not showering for a few days and partly to hide his face from Brett. He didn't turn around to look at Brett, but he could hear him search around among their pots and pans behind him.
"You want breakfast? I'm making some eggs", Brett asked, but Eddy just shook his head. The heavy sigh from his older friend caused him to want to curl up into a ball and apologize. He didn't mean to be difficult, it just sort of happened.
"Come on, it's the most important meal of the day..." Brett began, but was interrupted by Eddy's sharp reply.
"I'm just not hungry, alright? Leave me alone." The tone was probably a bit sharper than what Eddy had intended, but Brett wasn't about to let him off the hook just yet. He put down the heavy frying pan on the stove and went over to Eddy. He placed his hand softly on his shoulder, and Eddy felt his cheeks warm up slightly at the touch. He also felt stupid for reacting like that.
"Is this about yesterday?" Brett asked, concerned for his friend. He hadn't really meant to turn Eddy down, and in a way he hadn't exactly turned him down either. He just hadn't really said anything about it except 'I need to think about it' and then walking away. It was cowardly of him to walk away like that, sure, but he was freaked out! You don't learn your best friend in the whole world has feelings for you every day.
Eddy didn't reply to his question. It wasn't just about yesterday. It was life in general being impossible to deal with lately, that included what happened yesterday. He didn't feel the need to explain all that to Brett, to burden Brett with his problems.
"Hey, Eddy, I'm sorry I just ran away like that, alright? I just..." Brett began, voice trailing off. He had given it a lot of thought throughout the night, but he was scared. In his mind there were two outcomes in this situation. He could give it a go, and risking losing Eddy as his best friend if it didn't work out, and some bad attitude from his family. The other option was not following his gut feeling and hurting Eddy. He didn't seem too stable emotionally in the first place, something Brett had noticed but could not get him to talk about, and he didn't need a rejection like that on top of it.
"I don't want to talk about it. Sorry for bringing it up", Eddy said flatly and got out of the chair. "I'll be in my room if you need me."

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