_ "Now, we can either do this the easy way or the hard way." He says.
I let out a sarcastic laugh.

_ "I choose the hard way" I say, and with one swift motion, I grab the gun from between his hands and point it to his head. He starts reaching down for what seemed like another gun on his torso but I removed the safety off the one in my hand: "put it on the floor... NOW! Hands behind your head." I menace.
He does as I say and drops his second weapon to the ground. I could feel the presence of other individuals around. The man in-front of me smirks and I hear a gun being loaded behind me. I peek over my shoulder. Another man was standing there, aiming his gun at me. Uh oh.
The first one quickly grabs his gun off the floor and does the same as his colleague behind me.

_ "you are outnumbered honey, surrender." Says the man at the rear of me. His voice seemed like one of a younger man, one under the age of 30.

_ "or else?" I ask confidently.

_ "we shoot" says the one in front of me.

_ "shoot" I invite, my voice not once wavering.
He looks at me skeptically, then removes the safety off his weapon.
I take a deep breath and count till three.
One... Two... Three! I dodge. Two bullets were fired. I shut my eyes tightly, then... I hear a thud and a hot liquid hit my face. I open one eye at a time only to take in the 30 year old that was in front of me, laying dead on the floor with a bullet in his head. I grab the gun I had in my hand off the floor and quickly turn around. The man that was behind me had dodged the bullet. In a matter of seconds, we were both holding each other at gunpoint.

_ "Impressive" I hear a third voice, this one was low and husky. A man, around 50, emerges from the shadows behind man number 2. He then stood near the one I was holding at gun point. "You took down one of my men, not only with quick thinking and smart moves, but also with a well thought of technique. Abelardo, you can put down your gun." He ordered man number 2. The man obeyed. "I truly am impressed miss-?" He continues.

_ "why should I give you my name?" I seeth still holding the gun up.

_ "Ah... feisty one" he said. He had a strong Hispanic accent resonating in his words. I took both men in. The younger one looked around 25. He had blue eyes and bleached hair. His stubble jaw was covered with some facial hair. The older one looked around 50. He had dark brown hair that had started to gray with age. He had piercing ice blue eyes topped with thick arched brows. All in all he looked kind of harmless and rather... familiar?

_ "what do you want from me?" I ask.

_ "Well initially we wanted nothing. This dimwit laying dead on the floor right now acted stupid and drunk, and decided to mess around. He was the cause of his own death." I looked at the guy with the bleached hair who had killed the other one. He looked completely calm and showed no emotion. "But now.." continued the older one "since you really impressed me with your skills and agility, and since you basically, killed one of my me-"

_ "I didn't kill anybody" I interrupt, almost spitting my words at him.

He chuckles then continues: "how are you so calm? I mean, you just witnessed murder and was held at gun point..."

_ "This isn't the first time that I'm held at gun point" my words made me recall the night Landon pulled out a gun at me... I still hadn't had the chance to ask him about that. "And I'm calm because I've witnessed some messed up shit in my life, and to be completely honest... Death doesn't really scare me." I reveal to him, shrugging.

My words caused both of their eyes to widen, then the old man proceeded by asking: "I was wondering... are you interested in joining my... crew?" He asks.
I just glare at him.
"I understand this isn't a decision you can take on the spot so I'll give you some time." he continues, his voice oozing with slyness.

_ "What will you get from it? And what's in it for me?" I ask.

_ "ahh... good question my dear." He says "I, would get a skillful fighter instead of the asswipe I've just lost. I could train you and teach you and make you one of the best of our kind... and you? You wouldn't have to worry about money no longer... you would have a roof over your head, and a stable income. Tempting isn't it?"

_ "and what makes you think I don't already have a roof over my head and a stable income?" I ask.

_ "just... a feeling" he shrugs, before a devilish grin tugs at his lips. "Look, I may be a cold hearted killer, but I'm a man of word... if you do join, and if you take your job seriously, I promise you, I'll do everything in my power to keep you safe." I attempt to read his expression, but he resumed all too fast. "Now! I'm a busy man... I'll give you a few days to think about it, but for now... farewell..." he and his minion turn and start walking away.

_ "wait!" I call out. He turns back. "Who even are you? I should know what I'm dealing with at-least for me to make a decision... and how do I know you won't kill me if I decline your offer?"

_ "you don't..." he begins, offering me a before seen smirk, revealing a row of pearly white teeth "and as for my identity, it shall remain a secret until you decide whether or not you'll accept or decline my offer. All I can say, is that they call us The Saints. So... what do you say?" He confronts me

_ "i-...

I hope no gang comes at me for this... i know nothing about them, and I'm just inventing. Sooo... this is an interesting chapter. What will happen next? Will she accept or decline? Will she live or die?
Find out in the new chapters of "Heartstrings!"

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