The Progeny - Part 9

Start from the beginning

"Do you realise how fucking serious this is! You left the fucking door open! You could have killed us Leo! I mean what if someone came in and found us, what if the sun had shone in, do you not think about this stuff, you could have fucking killed us!" I can't help but think she's slightly overreacting, I mean what are the odds of someone finding them, what are the odds of the sun shinning all the way down here as she happens to be walking around. I walk towards her and attempt to touch her but she slaps my hand away, "Look, I'm sorry ok, I didn't think it was that much of a big deal, I was just bored and started having a look around the house and the next thing I know I'm down here, I'm sorry!" I plea with her, with how good things have been between us in the last twenty four hours I really don't want to cause an argument right now. Her brow is scrunched into a frown and her arms are folded across her chest, I place my both hands on her arms and I'm thankful when she doesn't hit me away again, "I'm sorry ok, I would never do anything to hurt you or put you in danger, I just didn't think, I'm sorry Estella." Why does she have to be dressed in a sexy fucking nightie when she's mad at me, I just want to rip it off her, "you need to go and close the door before Zeeke finds out" I feel like she's slowly mellowing out so I take this as my queue to be a little flirty, I rub my hand up and down her arm and lean in a little closer to her, "and what side of the door should I be on when I close it" I tease, hoping it sparks the same feeling inside of her, complete and utter desire. She steps back creating a chasm between us, "you need to leave before Zeeke gets up" she turns and begins to walk away, just before she's about to turn the corner she stops, "Leo, don't ever come down here again." I'm left stood in the arena feeling like an absolute ass, I can't deal with this chicks moods swings, one second she can't get enough of me and the next she's telling me to leave whilst wearing skimpy silk lingerie, absolute cock tease.

I stomp back up to the main house and close the door, I'm in a stinking mood after the way Estella reacted. To her everything is on her terms! We can kiss when she feels like it and she can be affectionate when she feels like it, but I'm not being her play thing, I'm making a promise to myself not to kiss her or touch her for the next few days, if she makes any advances I'll reject her...hopefully, visions of her in that black nightie pop into my head and I have to shake them out before I take back everything I just said. I get back to my room and fall onto my bed, sleeping will make the time go faster, I'll just take a power nap before training tonight.


"Leo, wake up" a cold hand gently nudges me and I wake feeling like I've been beaten with a crow bar, I hate napping! Estella is sat on the end of my bed, thank God she's changed her clothes, although this isn't much better for me, she's wearing skintight black yoga pants, and I mean SKIN tight, like I can see every curve of her body and her ass is like a peach and she has a black sports bra on squeezing her breasts together tightly, it's almost like she thinks "hmmm what can I wear to make Leo spunk his pants today" and puts it on. I have to say true to my word though, she can't just have me when she feels like it, the way I feel about her is crystal clear to me, she just needs to decide how she feels about me. I sit up, rub my eyes and ruffle my hair, "you should eat before we start, it's going to be intense" oh so now she's ok with me! I stick to my guns and decide to give her the cold shoulder, I get up off the bed and head towards the door, "yeah, sure" I say blandly as I make my exit, I'm not even to the top of the stairs before Estella bolts out to catch up to me, "hey, you're not pissed about earlier are you?" I keep my eyes focused forward, "nope," she moves directly in front of me so I can't go anywhere, "then what's up your ass?"

"Nothing" is all I can say,

"Look, I didn't mean to be a bitch, but Zeeke was already pissed about the whole situation and then you just burst into our safe haven and leave the fucking door open for anyone INCLUDING sunlight to come in!" I throw my hands up in the air,

"I said I was sorry Estella and then you..." I stop myself from telling her how much of an ass I felt after she rejected me,

"What, so it's because I told you to go instead of fucking you in the dirt?" I can't help but frown at her words, I would never want to just 'fuck her in the dirt' how can she think that! "I have to sleep underground Leo because I'm dead but still walk the earth everyday! It's not something I'm proud of, it's not something I like about myself! I just didn't want you to see that!" Her words hit me like a ton of bricks, she's a vampire who hates vampires, she hates who she is, I mean what she is, that's why she wants me to kill Edwardo, it's why she's helping me become a vampires biggest nightmare, it's why she's so cold with everyone except me. I throw my arms around her to calm her down and pull her into a tight embrace, her coconut scent is like heroine to me, "ok, I'm sorry, I never think of you like that so I didn't think of it as an issue, to me you're just this hot as hell chick who could beat my ass if she wanted to" I smile to lighten the mood and she mimics my emotion. "Estella is Leo with you? I've made some food," Layla's voice travels up from the kitchen, I kiss Estella on the end of the nose, "come on let's go," she follows behind me and I'm grateful, I think I would blow my load if I had to watch her ass in those pants. Ok so I lasted about fourteen seconds before I broke...

I devour the steak and mashed potatoes that Layla made me, that girl can cook! Zeeke is a lucky guy, not that he gets to benefit from it, but if he could he would be. "You ready?" Estella asks in a serious tone, I nod my head and take a deep breath, "yeah, let's do this." I follow Estella down the hall and Layla follows behind us, we stop outside the 'secret' door and Estella pushes it open, I follow her down and like I guessed we head to the arena. Zeeke is stood in the center of the arena in black sweat pants, a black vest top and sneakers, is he joining in? Estella looks confused, "Zeeke? What are you doing here?" Zeeke folds his arms and leans back in an alpha male pose, "I figured you'd need a fighting partner for the slayer, I mean we all know he's not going to hit you, this way he won't hold back and we can see his true potential." I'm pissed that he's talking about me as if I'd chicken out or not give it my all, but he's probably right, when I sit and think about it I don't see myself giving Estella a right hook in the face. Estella gives him a side smile, and he reciprocates before turning to me and scowling, I think I'm growing on him...

"Ok so first things first, we need to see how you fight, Zeeke, take it easy on him to start, we just want to see what we're working with" I nod at Estella and walk into the center of the ring, Zeeke is stood waiting for me, "I promise to take it easy on you" he mocks in a sarcastic voice, hitting him isn't going to be a problem for me. Layla and Estella watch from the sidelines and suddenly I'm nervous, the girl I like is about to watch me get my ass kicked, great. "You ready?" Zeeke asked in his still sarcastic tone,

"Yeah, let's do this" I'm not ready, not one bit...    

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