The Progeny - Part 9

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            I wake abruptly in a pool of cold sweat, my reoccurring nightmare still haunts my sleep. I look at my phone and it's the middle of the day, which means Estella and the rest are still sleeping. I get out of bed and throw on a clean pair of boxer shorts along with some charcoal grey sweatpants and a plain white T-shirt, I head to the bathroom to throw some cold water in my face and brush my teeth, I feel surprisingly refreshed this morning considering the terrors of my nightmares. Whilst the house is 'empty' I take this opportunity to explore my surroundings, I wonder the halls taking a look inside every room I pass, can't say I'm surprised when all of them follow the same grey and white colour scheme, I almost blend in with the way I'm dressed today!

I stumble across the kitchen and it's almost like paradise considering how hungry I am, grey and white checkered tiles cover the floor and walls and the same large windows open up to the garden, I head over to the large silver fridge and pull it open to find it fully stocked, I smile at the thought of Estella getting all this for me, I reach for the fresh smoked salmon and cream cheese spread to go with the bagels that sit under a glass dome on the white kitchen island and decide I'll make some eggs to go with it. As I'm scrambling my eggs in the pan I can't help but think about Estella and what she eats, I mean I know she technically doesn't and drinks blood, but whose blood does she drink? I wonder if she's ever wanted to drink my blood, my feelings on the whole situation are hazy, I don't like to think of her killing innocent people and I certainly don't like to think of her getting close and personal with some guy, for some reason the whole interaction feels laced with a sexual motion.

I'm full and the kitchen is clean after my breakfast, I look at my phone again, still only two in the afternoon, I have hours until they get up! It feels like forever since I went for a run, a proper run, not like the one I had with Estella from my fathers house, I head back to my room to get my Nike sneakers and head out into the garden, the fresh air feels good, it's so peaceful around here, there's no other houses for miles and the only life is that of the birds and other woodland creatures scurrying through the grass. Right now in this moment I feel happier than I ever have, after a few stretches I begin my jog.


I was right, that was exactly what I needed! I get back to the house feeling energized and decide to take a quick shower before Estella gets up, I was gone for so long and she'll be up in a couple of hours. After my shower I put my sweats back on and change my T-shirt for a clean one, we're going to be training tonight so I need something I can move around in.

I'm board. Time has passed, but not enough. I need to make sure I sleep for longer tomorrow, I can't take being away from her in the day, it's boring and I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere! My mind wanders off to a place it maybe shouldn't, I can't help but wanna see what's the other side of that door Zeeke came from last night, is that where they are? Before I can asses the situation I'm on my feet and racing towards the door, it's almost camouflaged, I guess that's the point though right? So no one knows where they are. I push the door and it slowly creeks open to reveal a stone staircase leading down into a basement, a voice inside is reminding me that curiosity killed the cat, but I can't bring myself to turn around. I walk down the stairs and when I reach the bottom I find myself in a sort of tunnel with lots of little avenues branching off, ok I should definitely go back now. Small spotlights lead the way down the main tunnel and I follow to explore more. The first avenue branches off and I slowly walk in to see where it leads, it almost looks like an arena inside but without the seating, the empty space in the middle is large and the floor is clay like the type of tennis court, I look around and take in all the different types of apparatus that surround the main floor, there's ropes, weights, bars and a bunch of other stuff I've never seen before, I guess this is where my training sessions will be. "What the fuck are you doing down here?" a stern voice barks behind me, I turn swiftly to see Estella stood looking very VERY pissed off. My eyes go wide and my mouth falls open at the sight of her, she's wearing nothing but a silk black nightie, my mouth has gone dry and I can't seem to remember how to speak, I just stand and gawk at her, with how pissed she looks I don't think me growing a boner is going to go down well so I snap my eyes away from her perfect body and look at the floor. "I...uhh" she cuts me off before I can even begin to string a sentence together,

The Progenyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن