The Progeny - Part 3

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When I finally reach home I hurry to my room, I don't even want to think about my father right now, I'm sure he's still alive, probably neck deep in bottles by this stage and if he's not, well like I've said before, I don't think that would be the worst thing in the world. I kick off my black Vans, throw my backpack onto the bed and head into the bathroom, I turn the faucet on and splash fresh cold water onto my face, it feels good, I pull my white T-shit over my head and toss it to the floor, as I wash away the dried blood I find myself gazing at my own reflection in the mirror, this scene is becoming too common, me battered and bruised, letting the water take away the evidence of my latest beating. One thought keeps muzzling its way into my head...who was that girl? My memory flashes back to her eyes, the way the red glow should have sent me running, but somehow it had the opposite effect and drew me in more and more every second that I watched them. She was so mysterious looking, yet her beauty was undeniable, even with the lack of colour in her cheeks and ice cold skin, she was still indisputably beautiful. How can I say this shit about some badass chick I've just met, who just so happens to be my stalker, I guess stalker is the only word that seems fitting right now, I mean I don't think she has jars of my saliva and samples of my hair locked away in some shrine, but for her to know my name like that, I'm guessing there's no other word to describe her than 'stalker'. She must have been watching me tonight to come to my aid like that, Christ what a great first impression I've made, needing to be rescued from some kids in an alley way, yet again this isn't really her first impression of me, she's been watching me for God knows how long...

When I'm back in my room I drop my tracksuit bottoms to the floor and sit on the end of my double bed in my boxers, my head falls into my hands as I contemplate my next action. There must be a way I can see her again, right? I need to speak to her, ask her why she's been watching me and coming to my house leaving windows open all over the place. I know it's her, the moment her eyes locked onto me I had the exact same feeling that I've felt everyday for the past few months. I just need to know who she is and why she's here, why she jumped in to save me like that, I just need answers. The sound of the scream that drew her away rings in my ears, how the hell did it not wake the whole street up? It was so piercing! I lay back on my bed and allow myself to fall into a deep sleep, I didn't realise how exhausted I was until I was on my way to my nightmares.

I'm walking through the forest, I'm alone, I can't see anything through the darkness and the only sound is that of my own panting. I suddenly become aware of a light glowing in the distance, beckoning me closer and closer. When I reach my destination I discover the white light isn't a light at all, it's her, my mother, her white gown and pure soul glowing like a beacon. Her lips grow into a smile and her green eyes beam with happiness in my presence, I'm about to speak when I hear movement behind me, the leaves are being crushed into the soil under foot and the branches of the trees are rustling as someone pushes through them. My mother's face drops into its usual look of horror, her eyes drain of all life as terror takes over, the rustling is getting closer, it's getting louder. I slowly turn on my heels to bring myself face to face with the intruder and unexpectedly I gasp. Two bright red eyes glare back at me, their possessor is still hidden in the shadows. The feeling I have under the gaze of these eyes make me believe I know who they belong to, the rustling begins again and surly enough the girl with pale white skin and crimson red eyes from the alley steps out of the darkness, her blank expression focused on me. I slowly turn my attention back to my mother, her lips fall open gently, "Run!" she almost whispers. I wake abruptly, gasping for oxygen, I can't take this any longer, I need answers now!

It's Saturday and it's 7 in the morning, I can't sleep any longer, I jump out of bed and throw on some grey jeans and a clean white T-shirt, I head into the bathroom to throw some more cold water into my face, it wakes me up, but not enough, I need coffee, no make that three coffees. I shuffle into the lounge waiting to see what state the old man is in. The worst thing about the weekends is the loneliness, I don't have any friends in this shitty city, I don't have a girlfriend and I don't have any family to spend my time with, I have myself, the empty hole in my soul and these mixed up thoughts in my messed up head. Mr. Dixon insists I need days off besides my best efforts to argue against it. I decide I'm going to be productive with this day, I'm going to figure out how I can lure the pale girl back to me, not in a creepy kidnapper way. I suddenly find myself reminiscing about last nights dream, why did my mother look so afraid of the red eyed girl, is this who she's been telling me to run from this entire time?

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