The Progeny - Part 7

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            I wake abruptly to the sounds of my bedroom door being hammered and kicked, I jump out of bed and reach for my phone, fuck it's 3pm, how the fuck have I slept for so long? Oh yeah I remember, it's because I was up the entire night with my vampire stalker whom I've now started crushing on. A sentence I never thought I'd say I must admit. "Open the door you fucking bastard" my father's voice is raw from all the shouting, he must have noticed his car and came running straight to my room to beat me senseless, great. I pause for a moment to gauge my next move, if Estella has taught me anything it's how to use a window as a door. I start to scramble around my room picking up various items of clothing and stuffing them into my bag, I throw on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a light grey T-Shirt, I suppose I can always come back when he's passed out to get more stuff. I stop dead in my tracks, where on earth do I think I'm going? I have no idea where Estella is and she won't be making an appearance for hours yet, I drop my bag to the floor in defeat and let out a sigh, I have no other option but to take this like a man, my ego physically can't take anymore.

I stand in front of my door, his assaults are so hard on the wood that it looks like it's going to snap clean in half at any moment. I brace myself mentally and reach for the lock, the second I turn it the door swings open almost coming off the hinges. My father is on me like flies on shit, "think you can touch my fucking car you cunt" he swings his arm and his fist collides with my jaw, knocking me to the floor, I knew it was going to be bad, but I didn't expect his drunk ass to react that quick! Before I can get up he's on top of me, he grabs my head between his hands and slams it into the floor, the blow knocks me for six, I see stars. In my disorientated state he takes another swing and punches me again and again and again and again, I can feel myself slowly slipping out of consciousness, my mouth is filled with the taste of blood and I can feel instant bruises all over my face, I don't know how much more I can take. As I'm about to give up completely a thought flashes into my head, I'm a fucking vampire slayer, sure I may not have unlocked it yet, but I'm feared by vampires, who are essentially immortal killing machines! If I'm going to be able to do that then I need to be able to do this! With what little energy I have left I raise my knee with force, hurling it into my fathers stomach I immediately wind him, whilst his guard is down I bring my head forward and strike him in the face. I never thought I would see the day that I lay hands on him, but I'm sick of everyone treating me like crap and I'm sick of letting them get away with it! I bring my arm back and lay a right hook into his face to finish the job, I'm so much stronger than him and now he knows it for himself, I look down at him in pure disgust, I head back into my room briefly to grab his car keys and throw them down at him, "enjoy you piece of shit."

I retreat to the safety of my room and close the door, a feeling of achievement ripples through my body, I know he won't bother me again, at least not tonight, he knows I've finally cracked and he knows that the next time he attempts to put hands on me I'll knock him back to his ass, just like I did tonight. My head is spinning from the blows it's taken, I need to lie down before I throw up. I fall back onto my bed, my face is still covered in blood, it gets tighter on my skin as it starts to dry, my eyes feel like two pumpkins, I can barley open them from the swelling, I just need to sleep this off before tonight, before I see her. I slowly fall out of reality and into a deep sleep...

"Leo what the fuck!" I bolt up as the words ring in my ears, I'm dazed for a moment before I realise where I am, my head feels like it's splitting in half and my bruises burn with every movement. "Who the fuck done this to you!" the voice cries again, it takes me a moment longer to realise that it's Estella, she's stood in my room with a look of absolute horror covering her face, her fists are balled at her side and she looks like she's capable of murdering an entire orphanage right now, "it's ok" I manage to mumble, well I think that's what I said anyway, right now I'm having trouble remembering where I am never mind what shit is coming out of my mouth. I blink and she's moved right before me, her nose touching mine, "who the fuck did this?" her voice is full of venom,

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