The Progeny - Part 8

Start from the beginning

The kiss is deep and hard and I'm surprised when she doesn't pull away from it, instead her hands have moved to around my neck and her body presses against me in the most euphoric way squashing her round breasts into my chest. Every drop of blood inside my body is rushing straight for my dick, I put my hands on her waist and pull her even closer to me, our tongues move in a synchronized rhythm and I can't physically get enough of her right now. She pushes me back against the wall and I bump into the chest of drawers making the silver vase fall off and shatter onto the floor, but still our kiss isn't broken. "Estella, is everything ok?" a voice calls from just outside the bedroom door, Estella bolts to the other side of the room at the speed of light, she's panting from the hotness of our kiss and she quickly straightens her clothes and fixes her hair, "uhhh yeah, sorry I just hit something over." I'm still backed against the wall and I'm praying the bulge between my legs deflates before whoever it is comes in, fuck just think disgusting thoughts, QUICK! "Can I come in?" the friendly female voice questions, I assume it's Layla, Zeeke's girlfriend, I just hope she's better pleased to see me than her boyfriend. "Sure, come in," the door softly opens and a petite red haired girl enters, her hair is thick, long and curly and her skin pale white, her eyes glow red, just like Estella's and she's wearing a deep red chiffon blouse with long sleeves and a pair of blue skinny jeans, I can't help but think that she's not dressed like a vampire at all, but maybe that's because I'm so used to seeing Estella's completely black attire constantly, the girl needs to add some colour to her wardrobe! Layla looks at me and gives me the warmest smile, "You must be Leo, it's so good to finally meet you, I'm Layla," she extends her hand for me to shake and I oblige, "hey, nice to meet you to and thank you for letting me stay, I really don't want to cause any trouble or anything," she roll her eyes and shakes her head in a playful way, "oh don't worry about Zeeke, he'll come around, he can be a bit moody when he's hungry," she lets out a slight chuckle and I give her a grateful smile for reassuring me. "I want you to make yourself at home ok, help yourself to anything"

"Thank you, I really appreciate it, I think I'm going to take a shower if that's ok?"

"Sure! It's the second door on the left" she gives me another warm smile and I can't help but chuckle inside with how bipolar opposite she is to Estella, I turn to look back to Estella who's penetrating eyes are yet to leave my body, she looks like she's deep in thought, "Estella, why don't you we leave Leo to settle in" Estella snaps out of her daydream and looks at Layla, "yeah, sure" she walks across the room and locks eyes with me as she passes, I can tell the kiss is still lingering on her lips from her body language, it certainly did start to get hot under the collar for a moment there. Layla turns to leave the room and Estella glances back at me one last time before she makes her exit. I rub my hands over my face and slowly drag them through my hair, what the hell am I doing, she's a vampire...and I'm a vampire slayer, I just can't see how this is going to end well.

I stand under the water and let the hot temperature ease the tension that's built up in my muscles. A million thoughts rush through my head all at the same time, learning to fight, killing the vampire who killed my mother and that kiss. Whatever I think about I always seem to circle back to that kiss, her coconutty scent is still in my nostrils and I'm almost too scared to inhale incase I lose it. Christ I've got it bad. Once I decide I can't get any cleaner I wrap a towel around my waist and head back to 'my' room, Estella is still with Layla so I decide to start unpacking my bag, I push all my clothes into the chest of drawers and place the photo of my mother on the bedside cabinet, now it feels a little more homely. I glance at my phone and it's two in the morning, I didn't realise how hungry I was until my stomach started roaring. I'm about to head downstairs to raid the kitchen for literally anything to eat when the door opens and Estella comes in holding a glass of water in the one hand and a plate of sandwiches in the other, her eyes go wide and rake over my practically naked, wet body, "Sorry, I should have knocked, I figured you could use something to eat" she looks at the floor as if she's embarrassed,

"No, it's ok come in" I take the goods from her hands and head over to the bed to sit and eat, Estella follows and sits down the end of the large bed. I don't look at her for a moment, I'm trying to work out if I should mention the kiss or not, what if she regrets it and I'm left looking like an ass? So I decide against it, I just munch away at the turkey salad sandwiches she made me, her eyes examine me as I eat, she seems fascinated by it. "Is it ok? I mean do you need more or anything?" I'm thankful that she was the one to break the silence, "No, this is great, thank you," I say with my mouth still full of bread. "So I was thinking that tomorrow night we could get stuck right in and begin the training" I stop eating for a moment and look up at her, "I mean if that's ok with you and you want to" I hold back my amusement, I mean she's actually considering what I want instead of bossing me around for once, "yeah sure, why not" I nod and continue to eat. "Estella, how old are you?" I say before I can even fathom why, I mean I want to know, I've wanted to know since I fist met her and the last time I asked her she brushed me off, but the more my feelings grow for her the more I want to know about her AND we've kissed so I mean did I just kiss a 400 year old? Estella looks amused with my question, her brows are raised and a half smile is creeping across her lips, "wow smooth, why don't you ask me my weight whilst we're at it," I swallow my mouthful of food and an anxious feeling rumbles in my stomach, shit have I offended her, "no I just..." she cuts me off before I can continue by laughing, "Leo, chill! It's ok...I'm twenty-three, well I was twenty-three when you know...I turned, but I'm really eighty-five," she waits for my reaction, I mean hearing her say it sounds weird, I just kissed an eighty-five year old, a hot as fuck, sexy as hell, eighty-five year old with an insane body and the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen, but nevertheless an eighty-five year old. I did actually expect her to be much older, the vampires in the films and books that I've seen are always about one hundred and fifty, so it could have been worse. "Oh" is all I manage to say, I finish the plate of food and down the drink as an excuse not to say anything more, "oh?" she questions with her head tilted to one side, "does it bother you that I'm older than you? You know, being twenty-three" my eyes lock on to hers and I can feel my heart racing, she always makes me so nervous, "no, not at all," her half smile creeps back in, "good" she moves at her usual speed and straddles my lap, I guess she doesn't regret our kiss after all. My heart is going to break free from my chest at any moment with how hard it's beating, her lips are slightly parted and her breath is coming out heavy, like she's holding back her urge to rip my towel off and fuck my brains out. I wrap my hands around her lower waist just a few inches above her perfect ass, I want her so badly and my rock hard dick is reflecting just how much, her eyes lock on to mine and I feel like I'm going to blow my load from that alone, "I don't usually do shit like this, I mean I don't usually feel, I mean I don't..." before she can finish I press my lips against hers hard, our breathing is out of control and Estella's hands are in my hair tugging at it as the kiss gets deeper and deeper, I break the kiss only to start it back up against her neck "Leo" she moans my name and her fangs expose themselves, the sound of them breaking through startles me and I stop abruptly, "sorry, it's just because I'm..." I smile and finish her sentence for her,

"Turned on?" she mirrors my smile, "so did I just give you an erection?" I let out a small laugh at my own comment and she bites her bottom lip and frowns, "what you mean like the one that you've been nursing since the second I got on your lap" she reaches her hand down in between my legs and rubs over my hardness, my eyes go wide and my mouth falls open with her touch, no one other than me has touched it before, it feels better than I could have ever imagined, especially because it's her. She leans forward and places small kisses across my jawline until she reaches my ear, "I have to go," she whispers and I lean back to look at her, my one brow is raised,

"What? Now? The sun isn't due up for hours" she lets out a small laugh,

"Yeah I know, but I need to go out and feed and you need to get some rest before tomorrow" I can't hide the disappointment on my face, I wanted her so badly, she leans forward again and kisses me softly before pulling back, "goodnight" she whispers inches from my face, I kiss the tip of her nose and give her a side smile, "night," she walks slowly towards the door and looks back at me one last time before she closes it. That was by far the best moment of my entire life, I fall back onto the bed and let out a sigh, my heart is still racing from the passion and before I know it I'm falling into a deep sleep, in nothing but my towel...

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