Chapter 8: Ben Found and Lies

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When I walked inside Evie's I found Dizzy, Squeaky, and Squirmy on the couch asleep. I covered them up with a blanket and walked around the house. I found Doug asleep in Evie's sewing room. Well Evie is not going to be happy, but she should be able to wake him up. I went back into the kitchen as saw that Jane's cake had been gotten into. I decided I didn't need those sweets and grabbed some fruit that Evie keeps stocked for when we hang out. Then I hear the girls come back.

"How did it go?" I asked popping a grape in my mouth. Evie smiled at me.

"We found out she holds up at Fairy Cottage," Uma said.

"I know where that is," I said. "I can take you there when the boys get back. Also, Evie you need to go to your sewing room there is someone there." Evie, Uma, and Mal left to go see Doug.

"Want some?" I offer Celia since she looks down that the younger VKs are asleep.

"Sure," Celia says as she grabbed some.

"I am sorry this happened on your first week here," I said. "But we are going to fix everything. I am kind of mad at Audrey for taking my powers away."

"How can you be only kind of mad?" Uma says as she grabs some cake.

"Because I may not have liked Audrey at first but after Ben and Audrey broke up. I went up to her and told her how I felt, and she understood, and we started over," I said.

"That was a good idea to check Audrey's room. Now we know that we are on the right track," Mal said to Uma. Wow she is trying at least.

"Are there insults in there that I missed?" Uma said looking surprised.

"She is trying at least. You should be more worried when I get my powers back for payback for the almost drowning," I said.

"Lily..." Mal said.

"Fine no payback. I will just talk to Carlos he may allow me to," I said as I ate some strawberries. I didn't hear much of what they said. I was too busy being worried about Carlos and Ben. Then boards of wood started flying on the windows. "Is everyone alright?"

"We're trapped!" Celia said.

"What's going on?" Evie asked as she and Doug ran over. I made a little light in my hand so we could see better.

"You've caused our friends pain and fear. We've had enough now disappear!" Mal said but nothing happened. "Guys I'm sorry my spells aren't working. Audrey is getting stronger." Then I saw Uma's necklace start to glow.

"You've caused our friends pain and fear. We've had enough now disappear!" Mal and Uma said, and the boards flew away and I let my light out.

"You did it. Together. This is what I have been talking about. That is what I've been talking about," Evie told them.

"I guess my shell likes you," Uma said as she handed Mal the ember. "Why don't you hold onto that."

"I am going to see if I can find the boys. I can't handle not knowing where they are," I said as I walked outside. I saw Ben there and ran up to him as gave him a hug. Then the girls came outside too.

"What did Audrey do to you?" Ben asked me.

"She made it so I can't use my powers," I told him.

"How are you still standing?" Ben asked worried. I then saw Carlos as ran up to him.

"She didn't take away her magic," Carlos answered for me and hugged me. "Your eyes are glowing Lily. You used your powers."

Lily: Ice Princess - Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now