Chapter 4: Dragon Vs. Hades

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"Let's hit the road," Jay said after we pick up the kids. I went into the car and waited for Carlos. The twins looked nervous until Carlos said something to them. I then grabbed Carlos' hand and pulled him in. Squeaky sat next to Carlos as he put my head into his lap and started playing with my hair.

"It's Hades!!" I heard Evie say. I jumped up and Carlos gripped my hand. "Stop the car, he's trying to escape." Jay hit the brakes, and everyone jumped out. Evie turned to the kids, "Stay here, okay?"

"I am a god!" Hades yelled. "I don't belong here."

Jay, Ben and Carlos went to stop him, but Hades blasted them with his ember and knocked them down. 

I ran over to them to check on them and maybe heal them. "Are you okay?" I said to Carlos checking on him first. 

"I will be," Carlos said as my eyes started glowing and I started to heal Carlos. "No, you know if you heal to much you will pass out." Then I looked up and Mal had turned into to a dragon. I get so excited every time that happens. I then get knocked onto Carlos. "I got you."

"What happened?" I say as I start to get up, but Carlos holds me down.

"Don't get up," Carlos says as he hugs me to him.

"I need to help," I say getting up. Carlos decides not to argue and lets me go. Mal starts to blow near Hades and I send an ice blast towards him and he fall back into the barrier. Then Mal comes down and turns into herself. Man, I wish I could shapeshift.

"Are you okay?" Ben asked Mal helping her down.

"No! He was draining all my magic with that ember. I felt my powers slipping away," Mal said as she was holding her stomach.

"Here let me heal you," I said going over to her.

"Let's head back to Auradon and you can do it in the limo. I don't want you passing out," Ben said helping Mal into the limo. Carlos helped me and once we were all there. I started to heal Mal.

"Are you sure you should be using your powers? Your eyes have been glowing this whole time they never stopped," Carlos said looking at me with worry in his eyes.

"I will be okay. I have more stamina since the last attack," I told him. "How do you feel? Do you need more?"

"I think I am good. Thank you," Mal said.

"Ben your turn," I said. He nodded as I started to heal him. When I was done, I sat next to Carlos and started to heal him next.

"Lily. You need to be careful," Carlos told me with the worry still present.

"I will be okay. I promise," I told him as the car stopped. I got out first and went over to Jay. "Last one." He nodded as I healed him. 

I started to see stars when I finished. Dang its Carlos was right. I started to wobble. I felt Carlos wrap his arm around me holding me up. "Don't say it."

"I wasn't going to," Carlos said as he helped me stand the dizziness going away.

"I know you want to, and I thank you for not," I told him as I kissed him on the check.

"Be more careful for my sake," Carlos said as I nodded then he kissed me. "You missed earlier."

Then I got a phone call from Uncle Adam.

Uncle Adam: We need to have a meeting. Bring Mal and Ben to the conference room please.

"Mal, Ben we have a meeting to goto. Uncle Adam just messaged me. Come on," I told them Ben coming to my side tohelp me walk until the dizziness was completely gone.

Lily: Ice Princess - Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now