Chapter: 1 Happy Birthday??

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Today is my birthday but it seems just like an ordinary day. I keep thinking that my friends forgot about it. But it will be okay if I can spend it with Carlos. I then decide to show up at his and Jay's dorm. Jay is still there until he finds he goes off for college.

"Hey guys. I don't have anything planned for today so I was thinking maybe we can hang out?" I ask them when Jay opens the door not letting me inside.

"Hey Lily, sorry can't talk much I am very busy right now. Maybe later?" Carlos says as he rushes by me with Dude. Dude can still talk. He wanted to, so we kept giving him truth gummies.

"What is he so busy with?" I ask Jay.

"Who knows? I have to go. I am sorry," Jay says as he rushes by too.

Maybe Mal and Evie can hang out, so I go by where Evie lives now. It is this 'starter castle' as she calls it. I knock on the door and Evie sees me and I hear a bunch of clanging around before Evie comes out and closes the door. "Um is everything okay?" I ask Evie.

"Yea just doing some cleaning up. Is there something you need," Evie asks me.

"Well no I just finally have nothing to do today so I thought I would hang out with Carlos and Jay, but they seemed too busy. So, I thought I would come help you with making some outfits if you don't mind," I tell her.

"Actually, Lily I need to get back inside but maybe another time okay," Evie says, and she too rushes back inside. 

I text Jane, Mal, and Ben and all three said they were busy too. What is going on? It seems everyone forgot about my birthday and are too busy to hang out. What am I supposed to do now? 

So, I decide to go walking around the gardens I always go there when I need to think. It has a pond there with some koi fish that I feed. It is peaceful. Once I get there I start crying. I just can't believe they all forgot. It sit there for a while just watching the fish and the ducks. 

Then the sky starts to get cloudy so I run back to my room as quick as I can. Once I get there I go into my not so secret room and close the door. Why of all days is Carlos busy? Where is he when I need him the most. I start to freak out a little, so I calm myself down enough to text him wondering why he is busy, and I need him.

Lily: Where are you?

Carlos: Just running errands.

Lily: Can you please come to my room I need you.

Carlos: I am busy can it wait?

Lily: I guess but please hurry. There is a storm coming.

Carlos: I will try my best. I promise.

I don't understand usually he would rush to my side when a storm comes. I don't get what is going on. I end up crying for about 30 minutes of the storm. But then I can't take anymore. I call Carlos.

Carlos: Hello?

Lily: Where are you? I am coming to you.

Carlos: You can't.

Lily: And why not? *screams when a loud thunder happens*

Carlos: Lily is everything okay? What happened?

Lily: If you were here you would know.

With that I hung up the phone. Why isn't he here? What felt like forever, suddenly, I heard my bedroom door burst open. I leave my room to see who it is and there is Carlos soaking wet in front of me.

Lily: Ice Princess - Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now