Chapter 3:ROAR

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Later, before Carlos goes to ROAR practice, I decide to finally give him the gift I got him. "Carlos come here. I have something for you," I tell him as I pull him along.

"You didn't have to get me anything. Plus, I have practice," Carlos tells me.

"I know but I want to spoil you because of how your mom treated you. I want to make you feel special."

"You don't have to do that. Just being here is enough."

"I know but you are going to love this," I show him the bike I bought him. It is black and white his favorite colors.

"Lily this is amazing. You really didn't have to," Carlos says jumping onto the bike.

"I know but you deserve it," I told him.

"Thank you," Carlos says as he pulls me into a hug.

"Let's get you to practice before Jay yells at me," I tell him pulling him along.

"Lily I need some decisions made," Jane tells me while I watch Carlos practice.

"Jane can it wait until after practice?" I ask her. I love watching Carlos practice. I come to every practice to show him that no matter how busy I get I will always support him.

"I guess," Jane says as we continue to watch the practice.

"It's Lonnie," I hear Jane say that snaps me out of watching Carlos.

"I didn't see," I tell her.

"Because you were to busy watching Carlos," Jane says.

"Lily!" I hear Carlos yell from the practice field. "Hey. Hi," he says as he jumps on one of the blocks. I go over to the edge.

"Hey Carlos. What's up?" I say.

"Uh... Not much. You?" Carlos asks.

"Way too much. Being advisor is why more than I thought. Jane has me helping her with Cotillion," I tell him.

"Because Audrey left me to go to a spa vacation with Flora, Fauna, and Merriweather," Jane said.

"Oh, yeah, no, that's a bummer. Um, speaking of Cotillion----" Carlos started to ask.

"I know right? It's all anybody is talking about. Cotillion 24/7. It is like they've never been to one before," Jane says.

"Uh.. I haven't actually," Carlos says.

"Last one I went to I was being introduced," I said.

"O right," Jane said.

"Lily, maybe we should just—" Carlos started to say.

"Skip it I wish. But I have to be there for my cousin. And I have to go because of being his advisor," I said.

"Oh, you got me," Carlos said. Then my phone rings it is Ben

"Carlos, I have to go. Great practice though," I say as I answer the phone.

"Yeah," he says.

"Bye, Hey Ben meeting? Sorry I am on my way," I say as I walk to the meeting.

Lily: Ice Princess - Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now