CHAP. 15

85 3 0

No one POV

" She's not in her room!. " M21 shouted from Blyana's room. It's almost breakfast but she didn't come out, so M21 the one that checked on her, but he only found her room look so tidy and bo sign of her.

" What?!. " Luke who's about to take a bite of his ramen stood up.

Now everything makes sense to him, every night she always had nightmares or even she didn't sleep at all, scared of the nightmare that'll haunting her.

For the demigods, if there a prophecy or a quest for them they'll have demigod dream, sometimes it could be a vision or a warning. 

That's why he and Hannele always disappeared or gone somewhere. Hannele asked for a trusted person to gave them a dreamless poison for her. He always secretly put a drop of the poiso inside her drink or food. Sometimes it works but sometimes not. 

" She's on a quest. " Hannele frowned. Luke turned his head to see his friend, " But with who?. "

" So it's true that you're same as her. Born with powers. " Regis interrogate them. Hannele and Luke staring at each other and raised a brow.

" Huh?. Born with powers?. We're demigod. Half human-half God. " Luke exclaimed. Blyana might tell lies to them but he know that it's time for them to know the truth.

" The prophecy, is it connected with this?. " Both of them nods at Frankenstein.

" It's must be so depressing to her. " Takeo said and everyone agreed. While, Luke and Hannele staring at each other like they're communicating.


On the other side,

" This is insane!. " Blyana's eyes glittering as she saw the inside of the Lotus Casino, " Let's play this!. " 

" Rose. What I just told you before we got here?. " Nico grab her hand so she can face him. He know that they must search for things or someone here really quick.

" To gave fun!. " She smiles brighter making him remember their first date on a beach in the Camp. 

That time, she was wearing her dark blue short dress and black stocking, she half braided her hair while he used his usual clothes. That night is their first kiss too as a couple and ended up in the water because Percy threw them to the water.

And was the best underwater kiss thanks to Percy. 

He smiled for a moment as his head recall that memories then he sighed, but that's maybe just a memory now and she might never remember that memory.

he closed his eyes for a second then opened it again but he didn't see Rose around him. 

" Bee?!. " He began to search for her, " Bee!. It's not funny!. We're freaking on a quest. " Then he heard giggles. He realized that it's her giggles.

He turned his head around his surrounding but didn't found her, all he just saw is people full of excitement that busy dancing, playing, drinking and many more.

" I'm so doomed. " He sighs frustratedly, " Nicoooo~. " He heard giggles around him. He looks around but didn't find her.

All he sees is people dancing, drinking, playing and having fun at each other, then something hit him. What if... No... Blyana!. 

He began ran to search for her anywhere in the Lotus Casino.

Blyana POV

" Nico!. " I chased Nico who's laughing while running away from me to the hallway inside the building.

I was just amazed by the view inside and decided to look around but I saw Nico suddenly running. I thought he see something but it's just him running while giggling.

 " Stop for Godsake!. " He turned his head then giggled which I found a bit creepy,  I took a step back, " Ni-Nico stop that!. It's a little creepy okay?!. " 

He giggles as the answer then he ran into one of the room. I chased him and didn't find him in there.

" Gods, Don't say that he shadow travel away?!. " I shuffled my hair frustratingly but then I sense that someone behind me.

I quickly turned my head and found nothing, I scanned the room but didn't find anyone. Then I heard a laugher.

" Have fun princess?. " A voice laughed. I quickly drew my sword, " You want to fight me?. " I could see a figure in the darkness beside the giant wooden wardrobe.

" Show yourself!. " I shour at the figure.

" I will. "

"But first, " Then someone hit me really hard on my back head making I fell on my knee and vision became blurry, " You come with us. "

Where's that person come from?. I don't see anyone coming !. 

Then the person behind me hit my back head but this time, a bit harder than before. Making my left cheek kissnthe cold floor at the same time with my sword fell from my hands.

Before I am fully unconscious the person squat down, It's  a girl with brown hair and a black leather jacket and a boy behind her grabbed my sword,
" Sweet dreams. Our flower. " 




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