5-The Weasleys

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A month later, Remus told the kids to get ready to meet the Weasleys. Noah already knew them, but now it was the twin's turn.

"Make sure to pack some pjs, okay? You guys are going to spend the night!" Sirius told the twins. Harry excitedly stuffed his backpack with his Junior Broom and toys. Sirius chuckled and put some clothes in his bag. 10 minutes later, Sirius took each little backpack and put it in the car. Each kid filed into the car. Harry looked curiously at his new brother, who had a cozy hat on.

They arrived at the burrow and knocked on the door. Mrs. Weasley opened the door with a wide smile.

"Sirius! Remus! Another day, another moon!" She hugged them each. Madi could tell that Remus shifted strangely as she hugged him.

"And who are these two?" She was taken aback when she noticed that there were two new children at their feet.

"This is Madi, and this is Harry. They're James and Lily's kids. We finally got the custody." Sirius explained.

"Why hello Madi and Harry! Looks like I got to make two more of my famous Weasley sweaters every Christmas now, huh?"

As the family stepped in, Harry's eyes widened as he saw a sea of 6 red headed kids run to the door. All their voices overlapped as they greeted and wrestled them. A girl a little older than them wrestled Noah and ended up taking off his hat. Noah giggled as two wolf ears popped out from underneath the hat. The twins seemed to be the only ones surprised by this. Sirius noticed their confused faces and kneeled down by them.

"I can't believe we forgot to tell you guys. Every full moon you three will spend the night at the burrow. Your brother here, is half werewolf. That means, he doesn't become a wolf but instead he grows ears and a tail. He's just like you two, and he's not scary or anything. Okay?" Madi and Harry looked at each other before they both nodded.

When their dads left, the twins met all the Weasleys.

Harry bonded instantly with Ron, who was their age, while Madi and Noah tended to hang out more with the triplet bunch. Fred, George, and Scarlett were all 7, and loved to be little tricksters. Together they all came up with various ways to mess with Ron and Harry, all the way until the moon was up, and the Weasleys were all down in their beds.

The next day Sirius came to pick them up, his hair messed up and looking like he didn't sleep all night. When they got home, they noticed Remus was in Remus and Sirius' bedroom, fast asleep. It wasn't until they were older that they slowly found out why Remus was so nervous and tired around that time.

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