2-Halloween 1981

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It was like all hope had been lost. It was like the world turned slower that night. The air colder, the lights dimmer. All the sounds magnified but dampened at the same time. Sirius has to see for himself. He rod his flying motorcycle from where he was at the Ministry to Godric's hollow. Where the house was burned down.

"You need to let me take them! I'm their godfather!" Sirius pleaded to the giant man. Hagrid looked at him with sorrow.

"I can't, Dumbledore's orders." He said.

"How is Dumbledore in charge here? This is the need for the Ministry!"

After a small refute, Sirius knew what had been done. He was framed. By a disgusting rat.

He apparated home, in animagous form. He slowly walked up to the window to look inside. He saw Remus sitting at the dining room table, head resting in his palms. He looked distraught, confused, and heartbroken. Padfoot's ears flattened. He knew there was no easy way to explain his innocence. None the less, he walked up to the door and scratched at the wood. Remus hesitated, but opened the door. And suddenly the tears he had been holding in fell. Tears not only of sorrow, but tears of anger and rage.

It was pouring down rain. When Sirius transformed back into human form, he was drenched. He stood there, in the doorway. Watching as his husband couldn't bare to even look at him.

"Moony I-" he started.

"-don't. Don't even start. I don't want to hear it. I just-" he took a shaky breath.

"I don't know if I can trust you. But I know you wouldn't do something like this, I mean, kill Lily and James-" He couldn't even say their names without catching his breath as more tears started to fall. Sirius' instincts told him to walk a step closer and comfort Remus but Remus flinched at his touch.

"Just-just go. Go. I don't want you near me or Noah. Just-leave." He said finally. Sirius felt a knife in his heart. And watching Remus look at him with disgust only twisted the blade.

"I said LEAVE!" He yelled once more. Sirius stepped backward and transformed. Looking back at the house one last time before running off. Ready to find that bloody rat.


Remus closed the door and stood there for a few seconds. Before all his emotions boiled over. He slid down to the ground and sobbed. He held his shaking legs within his arms as he cried. A few moments later and he stood up and kicked a chair. The chair fell and made a loud crash and Noah in the other room started to cry. Suddenly, all his feelings were forgotten as he ran to his room and comforted the boy.

"Hush, hush, it's okay honey. It's okay"

"Paddy?" The child asked. Remus looked away for a short moment.

"No, just Moony. Just Moony for right now." He responded. Just for right now he thought in his head. He had hoped for a reason behind Sirius' actions. Or perhaps they weren't even his actions. He hoped, but he couldn't think of a reason that made sense.

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