1-Christmas, 1980

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"Sirius! We are going to be late!" Remus yelled across the house at his husband.

"Yeah! Okay, I got it!" Remus was standing impatiently at the door with their one year old son in his arm. The child had stunning blue eyes and a small tuff of curly brown hair on the top of his head. He was playing with his dad's wand when a small spark surged from the tip.

"Oh! How did you get a hold of that?" Remus asked him once he noticed that his wand was in the hands of the little boy. He swiftly put it in his wand pocket right as Sirius joined him at the doorway.

Sirius had his signature black leather jacket on and had put his long black hair in a man bun that was all held together with his own wand. Remus rolled his eyes as he took the wand out from his lover's hair, and putting it away as Sirius' hair fell down. They wall walked out of their house on Godric's Hollow into the crisp snowy air. They walked a few houses over, where Sirius and Remus' childhood friend lived with his wife and two kids. Sirius knocked on the door and a few seconds later, a man with square glasses with messy hair opened the door.

"Padfoot! Moony!" Sirius and Remus smiled widely at their nicknames.

"Prongs!" Sirius exclaimed as he went in and hugged his dear friend.

After they each greeted each other, the Lupin's stepped into the warm house. Inside they could see their other friend Lily cooking dinner while two young black haired toddlers ran around. Remus set Noah down as he ran over to his friends. They sat by the fire and drank hot chocolate until it got dark. The night was filled with happy laughter and fun rough housing.

At one point, they decided to have a race. The two (very mature) animagous Dads of the group shifted into a Stag and a Dog. The two twins sat on either side of Prong's antlers, while the Lupin child sat atop of Padfoot.

After a little while, thy decided to open presents, saying it was Christmas Eve. The ginger haired mother of the group excitedly jumped up to hand everyone their presents. She picked up the twins and they sat in her lap as she watched her husband open the first present. With each present opened, the more the wrapping paper grew on the ground and the more tired everyone became. That night, the Lupins and their son decided to head home for the night. When they arrived back home, they each slept soundly in their beds, after a fun night at the Potter's. They had no reason to worry, until that night just 10 months away. Until then, they were all safe, and were all happy.

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