Ch 33: Sakura Stands Her Ground!

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"You wouldn't dare." Itachi glared down at her, but the pinkette was smart. She was blocking his eyes line of sight with hers with the pole of her scythe. He couldn't genjutsu her unless he got her to look in his eyes.

"Try me." Sakura challenged, gritting her teeth not backing down.

"I'm going to get my brother." Itachi went to walk around her calling her bluff only.... she hadn't been bluffing.

"No!" Sakura's slashed into her own thigh and the same wound appeared on Itachi the Uchiha crying out in pain. His hand flying to his new wound, having to pause in his movements due to the sudden pain.

"Whoa, don't you think that's a little harsh Sakura? We're all on the same side aren't we?" Choji asked munching on a bag of chips to restore his strength.

"He's going to hurt Naruto! Sasuke doesn't need protection from him." Sakura glared up at Itachi protective of her two boys. "But even worse than that...he doesn't trust Sasuke!"

"Sasuke doesn't trust Sasuke." Shikamaru groaned. This was such a damn drag.

"That's not the point Shikamaru! Do you know what that would do to Sasuke? Ignoring him for years is one thing, but to find out his brother didn't believe in his skills? In him? Sure, he's a little busted up right now but he's been hurt far worse. I should know I healed him more than a few times."

"My brother needs me." Itachi glared at her, the pinkette's words having been like multiple stabs to his heart. "Let me pass and this won't get worse. He doesn't stand a chance against the nine tails in his current state."

"He's managed just fine without you for years." Sakura glared, not budging. She had the power of Jashin on her side and her team 7 spirit was burning strong. "Sasuke and Naruto...they have a bond. One that sometimes I even struggle to understand. They know each other better than anyone, not that they'd ever tell me how or why, but I'm not blind! If Sasuke thinks he can calm Naruto down then I say we let him try."

Itachi whipped out a kunai and threw it at her, but instead of dodging and moving like Itachi thought she would she let it hit her in the arm and Itachi cried out in pain as Sakura did little more than flinch. She was doing this for Sasuke, for Naruto-her pain was too great to protect them from further loss. If Itachi got between them he would die.

"Don't you think Sasuke's gonna be ticked when he sees his brother in tatters?" Shikamaru asked, mostly because holding. Itachi back was one thing, actually causing him injury was another. One that Sasuke's revenge personality Sas would kill for even if it was Sakura.

"That's the thing, as long as I'm in this flower Whatever happens to Itachi happens to me." Sakura told him already having a master plan.

"Yeah, but your wounds just automatically heal, his don't." Shikamaru observed. "This is such a drag Sakura you shouldn't have slashed him so much. Even if Naruto gets calm now we've got to deal with Sasuke getting all pissed about his brother."

"Really? Even if I do this?" Sakura asked her hand glowing green with her healing chakra to her shoulder, and just like that the kunai wound Itachi had given them both had healed itself.

"That is not the way of Jashin!" Hidan reprimanded sharply. "Jashin commands death and destruction not mercy and healing!"

"Leave the girl alone, Hidan." Konan swatted him over the back of the head with some paper. "Don't pluck and tear at her petals. Let her blossom as she's meant to."

"That's very innovative, Sakura." Kakashi gave her a thumbs up in pride. Never one to miss congratulating his beloved genin on a job well done no matter the tense situation.

"Naruto...I'm right here in front of you!" Sasuke snapped at him, his personalities finally finally giving him back control. He wasn't exactly sure how he ended up lying on the ground underneath the raging kyubi probably had Uke to curse at for that- but it wasn't like the Uchiha was just going to let the close proximity to waste either. "Wake up, and see me. Take back control! Please, Naruto. Don't make me choose between saving you and saving my brother."

The kyubi blinked tilting its head. All of its tails waving softly down to six now.

"That's it you idiot, reel him in. I'm still alive. We're still alive Kakashi, Sakura and I." Sasuke told him reaching out to place a hand on his shoulder the nine tails chakra receding so Sasuke's hand didn't get burned by the kyubi's chakra. "Everything...everything is going to be okay now."

In this moment, Sasuke couldn't have been more wrong.
And that's ch 33! Next chapter they go right to Suna!! Woo!! So anyways I know it's been a while but this story is still going!! Now here are some questions!!

1. Why do you like this story?

2. Who's your fave character in this story and why?

3. Was it worth the wait? Be honest

4. What are your thoughts on Sakura standing up to Itachi?

5. What's your favorite jutsu? and why?

6. Any canon characters that you want me to add to the story?

7. Anything else you want to ask, rant, or tell me!!!

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