Ch 20: a slow dying flower

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This chapter is dedicated to the awesome commenter and reader named Sharincat !!! You wanted a mention? Well there you go! One chapter dedicated just for you!! Enjoy!!

"Ah so you are curious about Jashin?" Hidan grinned as Sakura stood in the door way of his room.

"Is Jashin stronger than the shinobi God Hashirama Senju?" Sakura questioned cutting straight to the point.

"Jashin is the strongest out of all the Gods out there. He is giving towards his followers and in extension their friends but merciless to their enemies who's deaths are to be offered to Jashin" Hidan explained lazily twirling his staff.

"I want in" Sakura said in determination.

Hidan laughed falling to the floor. He wiped away a single tear and used his scythe to help himself stand.

"It's not that simple. Jashin must see in your heart that you truly mean those words. Come back when your sure your ready to serve him" Hidan told her dismissing the young pinkette with a wave. When he had looked at her the girl would not meet his eyes. She stood hesitantly in the doorway instead of striding in like she should have. She did not seem sure of her choice to Hidan. He would have no hypocrites joining his cause.

"But I am sure! I am!" Sakura exclaimed eagerly her hands balling into fists. She looked a bit like Naruto when he wouldn't get his way.

"Right now those words sound like nothing but excuses from an otherwise defenseless brat who's not getting her way. Jashin likes action. Speaks far louder than those whiny little cries of yours" Hidan said still spinning his scythe on the ground as he silently tested Sakura gauging the girls reaction to his words. Where had that spark he had seen before gone off to? The part of her that dared to ask questions that others often wouldn't.

Sakura grit her teeth together and her hand shot out grabbing Hidan's scythe by the handle stopping the motion. Small cracks traveling up it a green glow in Sakura's right hand matching her eye color.

"I said I'm ready." Sakura growled not backing down looking Hidan straight in the eye. Hidan allowed himself a crazed smirk. There it was. That was what he had been looking for.

"Hmph looks like you are. Cmon in. I already set everything up for your initiation ritual." Hidan said ushering Sakura into his room.
Sakura's eyes flicked around in a mixture of curiosity and caution. Lit candles were scattered all throughout the room. A circle of blood forming the symbol of Jashin lay in the middle of the room. A shrine built for the God in the corner of Hidan's room. Sakura raised a brow upon noticing the rose petals and she gave Hidan a questioning look.

"Every ritual has symbolism. Nothing symbolizes you more than a slowly dying flower" Hidan explained lighting two humoungus blood red candles with the symbol of Jashin carved into them.

Sakura winced slightly at Hidan's words but said nothing. He was right after all. There was no need to argue with him over it.

"Step in the triangle in the center of the circle and stay the fuck off the lines" Hidan ordered.

Sakura did as she was instructed unsure of what was about to happen. She had never been in a ritual before. There was something about it that just made her blood rush.

"Remove your cloak. Let all scars of this world be shown to Jashin" Hidan said as he lifted a bowl with two incense candles in the air the smoke twirling throughout the room leaving a surprisingly beautiful smelling fragrance. It took Sakura a second to realize he was burning flower petals.

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