ch 13: a shadowed village pt 1

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///WARNING TRIGGER WARNING. JUST IN CASE. Mentions of Cutting, scars, and self-harm. read at your own risk. Please if you feel low because of this or something talk to someone. Feel free to comment or pm me if you like. You have been warned\\

Sasuke and Naruto were out in the school yard. Naruto was on his swing stealing glances at Sasuke every so often. He knew why Sasuke was here. It was for the same reason he was. There was no point in going home. Sasuke's back was turned to him. His eyes focused on the target as he threw shuriken after shuriken. He pretended the target was itachi's head. He was improving but it was slow. Itachi wasn't there to help him anymore. Sasuke's throws were growing sloppy as he grew tired. He didn't want to go home to rest anymore either because nobody was there waiting for him.

"Sasuke I'm-"

"Shut the fuck up Itachi." Sasuke responded but this time there was no real malice in it's tone. It was just annoyance.

"You were all alone?" Pain questioned Naruto with a frown.

"Yeah...the only one who never really whispered or talked about me in whispers was Sasuke....even though we....weren't that close" Naruto told pain saddened.

Then Anbu came down in a flash grabbing both boys. They both Screamed a natural response by two six year olds being suddenly attacked. Hands put gags over their mouths and they were blind folded. Sasuke to his credit had been able to punch one of his attackers. The man grunted in pain and only tightened Sasuke's restraints after that. "Fucking uchiha" the man spat bitterly. Sasuke clenched his teeth as Darkness consumed him. He passed out.

"Why is it only focusing on you?" Pain questioned.

"It's my memory. Duh. Me and Naruto weren't always this...." Sasuke trailed.

"Whatever we are" Naruto shrugged.

"Definitely not friends" Sasuke said.

"Of course not. Friends don't try to kill each other" Naruto said.

"Not enemies either" Naruto mused

"Enemies don't not follow through with killing each other" Sasuke said.

"Frenemies?" Kurama's voice suggested echoing around.

"Thanks kura!" Naruto yelled.

"Stay in his head! The last thing I need is your voice in my head! I've got enough of that already!" Sasuke scowled.

Kura a grumbled something that sounded like "pissy mini madara"

"I will end you" Sasuke scowled.

"Sasuke what voices?" Itachi asked worriedly.

"The ones I hear in my head. Kabuto said I have multiple personalities or something. He claimed it was an unforeseen consequence" Sasuke said rubbing at his scratches.

Itachi's eyes went wide. "You have multiple personalities?" Itachi questioned shocked.

"Yeah" Sasuke told his brother.

He couldn't believe what he just heard. Did Sasuke not understand the severity of this? How could he be so calm about it.? Itachi remained silent not questioning his brother further. It was a miracle he even told him that much. Let alone allowed them inside his head.

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