54: I'll Be There

Start from the beginning

"I know we aren't in a relationship but I want to be around to see her stomach grow, to feel his kicks, and to see him moving around in her stomach. I want to be around when she's craving for food she doesn't need, maternity photos, baby shower, gender reveal, delivery, and make sure she has the best push gift ever. I want and will make sure she has it all her and our baby" Chris spoke with conviction. He wasn't going anywhere. He was going to be there for not only his child but for April as well. Shit she was the one who had his bun in her oven baking he had to make sure she was straight. If she wasn't straight then their child wasn't straight and he couldn't have that. Chris put his blunt out in the ash tray and looked at Ian. Ian looked at him smiling and nodded his head in approval.

"That's what I like to hear but let's see you execute it. I know you're a good father. I can see by the way you take care and treat Papa's RoRo" Yes as you can see everybody took to Royalty. They were pretty much a blended family of their own. Not only did April claim Royalty as her own but to April's parent's Royalty had become their grandbaby. They treated her as such whenever she was around and when it was Chris's turn to have her they'd call and talk to her and she'd call and talk to them. They even sent her all types of gifts just because. If they saw something they thought she'd like you better believe they were buying it and sending it to Chris.

Chris shook his head and chuckled but he was thankful that they were all in Royalty's life. "Once Papa's RoRo finds out I done seen her Apple, her Papa, and  her Nana she's gonna have my head"

Ian laughed. "You'll be aight"

"Tell me anything. But for real Pops I'm all in. I still feel like shit for not being there for her and Jr when they needed me so it ain't no way in hell I'll let her do this on her own again. That shit eats me up every time I think bout him and look at his pictures or stare at his lil urn. I gotta let my son know that I got his mother and his lil brother. I gotta make it up to April. I gotta make it up to myself. He's my child too and I take full responsibility"

Ian nodded his head. "Bet so how's this gonna work with you living in LA and Peanut in Jersey" Ian asked and Chris deeply sighed. He still had trouble dealing with this.

"She's moving back to LA once the baby is born and old enough to travel. She doesn't want to travel while she's pregnant. She wants to be close to Mama during her pregnancy. I feel like shit though. She pretty much told me not to worry bout it but I feel like she's doing it for me. Like I told her if I have to travel back and forth I will"

"Oh ok so she did tell you bout LA. She's been talking bout it for a while now. She misses Thing 2 and she's in that house by herself constantly greeted by silence. She's not doing this for you. Peanut was already thinking bout it. She told us bout LA a while ago but once she found out she was pregnant that pretty much sealed the deal for her. I think it'll be good for her though. Thing 2 will be close by and she wouldn't be lonely like she is here. We already told her we'd be there for both her and the baby. I know mommy is gonna stay with her until she thinks Peanut is good being with the baby on her own. It'll work out"

Chris was glad to hear that he wasn't the reason she was picking up and leaving her life behind. "Good that makes me feel 100 times better. I didn't want her picking up and leaving everything behind to make it easier on me" he exhaled a breath he didn't even know he was holding.

"You know when she's made up her mind it's nothing that can sway her"

"That's true but while I'm here I wanted to talk to you bout Hazel. April told me she was the one feeding Agnes information is it true" Chris asked and leaned forward. He knew April wasn't lying but he needed confirmation from the source.

Ian clenched his jaw and his fist like just hearing the name Hazel pissed him off. "I wish it wasn't but I have all the proof I need. It's definitely her. I had my people look into it and ain't no doubt bout it. It's her"

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