"You look good Kyaih.", he said making me sigh loudly.

"I know bruh. I told her a few minutes ago after we finished our session.", Aiden said palming my ass.

I swatted his hands away. "I'm hungry. Let's go."

"Girl don't be ordering me around. I'll fuck yo walk up.", he said making me roll my eyes. He was only doing this cause Will stupid ass was still standing there.

"Boy bye you not fucking shit up even after Zo-baby is born.", i waved him off. "My food. Let's go. Neow bitch!"

Instead of entertaining his foolishness, i walked away. My pickpocket skills were A-1 so while he was busy boasting, i stole the keys from his pocket.

I waddled down the last flight of stairs and headed straight to the car. I had a tank full of gas which meant i was gon go wherever if Aiden didn't hurry up.

I hope he got his keys with him cause after five minutes pass im leaving him and he gon have to meet me at Papas. With his stupid show boating ass. Now he got two minutes to make it down them stairs before I zoom off on his ugly ass. I'm hungry and he playing.

I pulled out my phone and dialed his number, once he answered I started talking.

"Listen here you ugly burnt chocolate bitch, you got fifteen to make it to this car before you be asking Will to stay for dinner.", I said nicely before hanging up. If he think I'm playing I can show him better than I can tell him. Look at me sounding like somebody mama. Imma be a MILF like my fine ass mama. If my mama was attracted to girls and i wasn't related to her, i would tap that ass.

Checking my phone, i saw that his was up so i got in the car and turned it on. Finna burn off in this bitch. As i put the car in gear, the door opened and Aiden hopped in holding his fist.

"Boy what the hell did you do?", i groaned.

"Gave him what he was asking for.", he shrugged.

"Bitch and what was that?",  i said backing out of the parking spot.

"His ass beat. If you would've given me more time, i woulda prolly pushed his body down them stairs.", he said making me tuck my lips.

"So we pushin niggas down the stairs now?", i asked. "Hmmmm."

"Been pushing niggas down the stairs.", he said wiping his knuckles with a paper towel he found in my glove compartment. "And how you get the keys nigga?"

"My granny taught me how to pickpocket. So while you was caressing somebody ass i took the keys.", i shrugged. "You should really pay more attention."

"What don't you know how to do?", he asked shaking his head.

"Besides eat only one snack per hour, pay attention. My attention span is short as the fuck. We could be talking about one thing and either imma zone out or start a conversation about a subtopic that came up. Brooooo did you know that koalas carry chlamydia? I was like bitch what the fuck. Ohhhhh and i want a snake, but Zoriah will have to be old as fuck before i get one since she's going to be a little baby. Speaking of little baby I'm excited to see her. If she look like you imma be mad cause i was told all my babies gon be beautiful and you fucking ugly. You look like an ogre and a duck fucked and then boom. No disrespect to your parents cause this ain't got nothing to do with them, but you know most people get offended when you say shit like that so you know i gotta clear it up before there be some issues or whatever. And ion need no issues, but this beef im finna get from Pappas finna smack.", i said.

"Short attention span having ass. You just rambled on about six different things and you lost me after you talm bout getting a snake.", he laughed shaking his head.

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