Ch.13 "Sanataruim"

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      Good Morning Mrs Summers! Said a woman in a white coat. Huh? Said Ashley! My name is Williams, ASHLEY WILLIAMS! Ashley said in a frantic. Well said the lady your name stitch says Leah Summers and you been wearing it everyday for four years! No! No! No! I'm Ashley and where the hell am I? Well Mrs Summers if you don't calm down were going to have to put you out again! Ashley didn't want that she just had to stay calm so she can figure out what's going on. Now if you promise to behave you can go in the day room today but first let me get the doctor. Ashley waited and the Dr. Came in. Dr.Adrian Ashley shouted! Leah I am doctor Sosa you know that! No said Ashley why are you doing this to me I was suppose to work for you! You were there when I was buried alive! Leah, no such thing happened! Ashley didn't believe him. So said Ashley how did I get these cuts? You do them to yourself said Dr. Sosa which is why we had to put you down. No said Ashley this is a dream, it can't be real! Leah said the Dr. We go through this everyday. Dr Sosa was receiving a call. Well Leah, he said you have a visitor, I'll escort you. Dr. Sosa led Ashley down a long corridor into a visitation room. Sit here he will be in shortly. He? Ashley wondered who? The doctor left the room. A few moments later the door opened Ashley began to scream it's him! It's him! Calm down Leah said the man Ashley backed into a corner leave me alone Brandon!! It's Me Leah, Michael your husband! No screamed Ashley your Brandon and you tried to kill me! I would never hurt you honey I love you and that's why you are here! No you stay away from me I love you Honey replied the man, ORDERLY, Michael yelled out I'm ready to leave. The ORDERLY took Ashley to the day room, as she looked around she saw so many people in white uniforms like hers. Give me that Ashley grabbed a hold of a woman who was wearing a name stitch bearing the name Ashley Williams, SEE! yelled out Ashley there was a mix up this woman has my tag a lady ran over no! Me Summers unhand her I'm not Leah Ashley exclaimed look said the woman I'll show you, she walked over to a shelf of files behind a counter she pulled a file reading Ashley Williams now look said the woman, Ashley looked and the photo showed the woman she had grabbed. This can't be thought Ashley. Her world was falling a part I'm not crazy she muttered, I'm not Ashley broke into tears. It's ok Leah we understand and we are here to help said the woman patting Ashley's back. Ashley noticed a photo of a cat in a frame, Smokey! said Ashley oh you mean Oliver? Asked the woman. Oliver? Ashley asked yes hun said the woman that's our therapy cat. Ashley just couldn't believe everything she was hearing, she was stunned. I'm not crazy Ashley said to herself, I'm not! Ashley felt like she was floating like she had nothing left in life, oh god what if I am crazy she started to question her sanity. Maybe I am Leah! Ashley asked to see the doctor, Things are starting to make sense, she told the doctor. I really like the name Ashley so maybe that's why I wanted it to be mine, and Oliver? I love cats and always wanted one of my own and he is a Smokey color. Very good said Dr. Sosa acceptance of who you are is Good! And my little brothers name was Adrian I don't quite remember him, we were very young when the fired broke out and took him from us. Right Leah said the Dr. That's why his name somehow came up your holding in guilt but that fire wasn't your fault. The horrible things must of been night mares said Ashley! Your right Leah said Dr. Sosa that's whyn we are here to help. Ashley( Leah) started feeling at ease accepting she was Leah. Time for your meds now Leah said Dr. Sosa! And Leah drifted off to sleep. Although Ashley was asleep, and couldn't hear him. Dr. Sosa continued to talk to her you know Ashley I'm glad you finally Accept that your Leah! We were hoping to not have to hurt you but we just couldn't let someone tarnish the name of our perfect little town. You understand Right? He asked a sleeping Ashley. A nurse came in are we ok doctor? Yes Millie we got it under control. That was a close one she said. Thank goodness said Millie if anyone could brainwash some one it's you doctor. The doctor leaned in and whispered to Ashley ' goodnight Leah'.

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