Ch.7 "I'm not crazy! am I?"

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          Ashley reached over to her night stand to check her phone. The time was 12:41! After only 2 hours of sleep Ashley had awaken feeling restless. Smokey purred up to her, hey buddy! She said in a tired yawn and patted his head. You can't sleep either huh? She asked. Smokey nudged her hand to be patted again. I have a lot on my mind maybe if I go for a little stroll I can clear my head. Ashley had to gain the courage to do this since she had a hard time trusting, and it was late. I feel safe here she said to herself, I can do This! Ashley put on her shoes and a light sweater and stepped out the door taking in the cool night air. She made her way to the park which was only two blocks away. The park looks so beautiful at night she thought to herself. She took a seat on one of the benches, gazing at the pond shimmering in the moon light. Ashley couldn't help but think of Amy Stewart! Poor girl she said to herself, I hope she is ok!! Maybe she just ran away, after all she was seen willingly getting into a truck. I never had that option Ashley said to herself. Ashleys horrific past came flooding back to her. Flash backs of that dark damp basement, that cold, cold chain....The ropes! Ashley rolled up her right sleeve and looked at the permanent scar left by that rope. Ashley creeped herself out and this peaceful stroll no longer comforted her. Ashley stood up and started walking back towards the entrance. Ashley stopped in her tracks, there in the shadows ahead of her looked like the figure of a person but Ashley couldn't make out who or what it even was. Ashley took a step forward, Ahem! Ashley cleared her throat and with a semi shakey voice she called out EXCUSE ME? But no reply! She inched just a little closer Ma'am? Sir? Hoping to get a response but the shadow still kept it's form. She looked hesitant but the only direction she knew to go was forward. Ashley mustered up the courage to go. Speed walking forward the figure then stepped behind a tree up ahead right in front of her eyes. Ashley felt terrified and began to run as fast as she could past the tree, out the entrance. Her heart beating faster and louder. She thought she could hear footsteps running up behind her, she was almost sure of it but was too afraid to look, she just knew she had to keep moving. Ashley made it to her front porch trembling and collapsing into tears. Just then head lights pulling into her driveway caught her attention. Hey are you Ok? It was Brandon. But what? How? Ashley tried to speak in between breathes. I saw you running, I tried to call out to you but I guess you didn't hear me he said. He got out of the truck and made his way over to help her up. What were you doing out so late? He asked. Well I needed to clear my head said Ashley and you? She asked, Oh! Same he replied! You know a midnight drive? He responded giving her a familiar grin. Ashley some how always felt comforted by the presence of Brandon. Let's get you settled inside Ok? He said. He walked her in. I can't stay he said I got to get back but you should be ok he grinned then left. Ashley locked the door behind her. Where Ashley should of felt relieved, she felt like there was something different about the house but couldn't figure out what. She went into the bathroom to splash cold water on her face, then grabbed the hand towel. Ashley stepped out of the bathroom and noticed the window to her reading nook was open. I could of sworn that was closed! she said to herself. She made her way to the window and slammed it shut making sure it was locked. As she went to turn something caught her eye, it looked like a note. She slowly picked it up it said " your so beautiful when your scared" Ashleys hairs stood up with paralyzing fear. Fearing someone was in the house she grabbed Smokey and ran outside to call the police. When the police arrived it was sheriff McMillan once again. Well Ms. Williams we meet again I see, he greeted her. What seems to be the problem this time? He asked. She relayed all the events of that night, then showed him the note. Well ma'am can you think of anyone who may have it out for you? He asked, Ashley thought for a minute and instantly mentioned Thomas from the cafe. There was this guy Ashley said, in Ohio! He left me a note there she said feeling nauseous. You think maybe he followed me? Ashley asked. It's a possibility sheriff McMillan replied, but I'll check the house for ya and make sure it's safe, so he proceeded to do so. Everything's good he said, but maybe you should look into getting some help. I know a good counselor. What are you trying to say Asked Ashley? Feeling attacked, don't take it personal ma'am just trying to be helpful, he replied. But I'll take this here note he said and I'll look into it. Ashley closed the door behind him, locking it. She peered out the window to see Sheriff  McMillan read the note, he then crumpled it up. Why did he do that? Ashley thought! So unprofessional, Ashley hoped to never have to deal with him again. She couldn't help but to think what if Thomas followed her? Or maybe  that note was put into her book in Ohio and Is just now found it! My book was in the truck at the motel! Ashley started considering what the Sheriff had said about seeing a counselor. Maybe I should she said to herself. I just want to be happy and feel normal but seeing a counselor is like admitting I'm crazy! But I'm not crazy! Am I?.

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