Ch.12 "Taking back her life"

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          Ashley woke up dazed and confused but she couldn't see anything bound by the wrists and ankles. Where am I she thought in a pancic. She could hear a grainy sound that she couldn't quite make out. This went on for a while, then suddenly the sound of another vehichle pulled up and she could hear two men talking. One was Brandon the other was the Sherriff. Damnit boy! How many times you expect me to save you! Flared the Sherriff in aggrivation. I'm sorry dad Brandon replied. Dad? Said Ashley! Omg! This explains everything she thought. Come on now let's get her out! said the Sherriff Ashley was removed from the trunk of a car feeling sore and afraid. So Ms Williams said the Sherriff, you just had to go nosing around didn't ya? He asked. Well darling you did this to yourself! He clamored. Should of just kept to yourself, I can't help you now! Yes you can sir Ashley cried pleading for him to have a change of heart. No I can't you see said the Sherriff, that there is my only boy! I've lost everyone else I can't lose him Too! So you just let him hurt people? Ashley scoured! Well you see he was born this way and I've always protected him and I won't stop now! Your SICK! Ashley screamed out, and your helpless laughed the Sherriff, you almost done with that hole son? The Sherriff hollered out, this girl is getting too feisty for her own good, almost pop Brandon replied back. Ashley just knew this was it, she didn't have the strength to fight anymore. Just shoot me said Ashley, put me out of my misery. Now what's the fun in that said Brandon, besides I really care about you so I'll let you live until you die! What does that mean Ashley cried out. Well said Brandon, the other they went kind of quick! Oh and at least you'll keep all your body parts! That says a lot said Brandon. Oh and by the way your so beautiful when your scared!! Your the one who's been stalking me? Well said Brandon I'm no stalker just call me an observer he then laughed. I knew you were too good to be true! Why Margeret? What has she ever done? Honestly? Asked Brandon that was just to get closer to you! You sick bastard!! said Ashley. An the old lady?? Who grandma? He laughed I don't care she wasn't my grandma he said with a blank stare! Ashley was just in shock to learn all of this. The Sherriff lifted Ashley and dropped her into the hole, as she began to scream she got a mouth full of dirt. Reality sat in she was being buried alive. Darkness was taking over as dirt was being piled on top of her.Ashley was giving up when suddenly the dirt stopped falling and she could hear faint sounds. People! She heard people! And loud blasts that sounded like shots being fired. Moments later Ashley was being dug out of the ground she drew in a deep breath then started to cough. Ma'am were here your going to be ok said a chubby man who Ashley had never seen before as Ashley was being lifted out of the ground she could see the Sherriff face down in a pool of blood. Ashley was confused as to how and what happened. Ashley was full of questions. Let's just get you into the ambulance said the chubby man. Where is Brandon? Ashley asked. He was taken into custody. How did you find me asked Ashley as they hoisted her up into the ambulance. That was when Ashley saw a familiar face it was Dr. Adrian, well I'll answer that said the doctor, I received news about your neighbor then began to worry when you didn't show up on your fist day of work so I sent someone over to check. But said Ashley I still don't understand how you knew. See said Dr. Adrian my brother is a deputy, he heard over the CB a call coming in about a young girl in distress and we knew it was from the Sherriff's sons house. And when the Sherriff didn't come back with his son in custody we were suspicious. How did you find me here? Ashley asked well just because there older doesn't make them wiser, the Sherriff forgot there are tracking chips on all the cars. When we approached he opened fire, that's why he is dead now but not for you to worry let's get you to the hospital. Ashley couldn't be more grateful she got a few stitches and was resting well. Dr. Adrian came into the room Ashley were going to keep you a night or two so you can recover and I'm giving you something to help you sleep. The Dr. Gave her some medication in her Iv she became instantly drowsy. Well said Ashley I think I can rest now that this nightmare is finally over. I'll be back to check on you later. Dr. Adrian leaves the room as Ashley drifts off  She sees Brandon at her bed Ashley panics but can't keep awake. Her eyes close.

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