Ch.9 " Tragedy in a small town"

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          What's going On? What happened? Ashley calling from her driveway seeing that Margeret's home was now turned into a crime scene. Were not sure yet one of the detectives told her. Cameras flashing everywhere and they were rolling out the caution tape. Ashley could hear one of the detectives say to another that there was so much blood but no body. Ashley began to cry she felt in her gut that Margaret was dead. Brandon pulled up I heard all the commotion and had to make sure you were ok he told Ashley. Yes I'm ok but it's Margaret! Something happened to her I think she is dead. That's a shame said Brandon, she seemed nice. I know said Ashley, she was nice, she was my friend. Ashley? Said Brandon why don't you stay at my place a few days until this blows over and they catch the guy. Ashley didn't have that kind of trust in him yet but she also didn't want to stick around to be the next victim. So she decided to take Brandon up on his offer. Ashley packed her things. You don't mind a cat do you? She asked. He's welcome also he chuckled. It was things like this that made Ashley fall for his kindness more and more but still couldn't help but think he was too perfect, there had to be something he was hiding she thought. Ashley got into the truck and Brandon headed over to Sheriff McMillan and they stepped off to the side. It was odd Ashley thought. Brandon came back to the truck and got in. What was that about asked Ashley? Oh he replied I just asked the Sheriff If they can keep an eye on your place while your gone. Oh that's sweet said Ashley. Now she knew she was falling for him, she just wasn't ready. Here we are said Brandon as they pulled up to a ranch style home. Much bigger then Ashleys house. Are you sure your family won't mind? Asked Ashley. I live alone! Brandon replied. You live all alone in This? Ashley asked in awe, It was my grandmother's. I took care of her until she passed and inherited the house he replied. No way! Said Ashley, I also took care of my grandmother and got her house when she died. Then why did you move here? Brandon asked, it's a long story Ashley replied but when I'm comfortable telling you, I will she explained. Brandon grabbed her over night bag and led her to the house. The house looked huge on the inside. A huge tapestry on the wall in the sitting room caught her eye, she then realized it was an image of the front of the house. That's a beautiful tapestry she said, my grandmother made it Brandon replied, she was always crafting something. There were so many things that caught the eye, nic nacs and trinkets of various things everywhere and the antique furniture. Ashley just loved it. Let me show you were you will be sleeping. Brandon led Ashley down a hall, first door to the right is your room, mine he replied is at the end. What about that one? Ashley asked pointing to the door across from her. Oh, No one goes in that room!! Why Ashley asked, because I SAID! In almost a shout that upset Ashley. I'm sorry said Brandon I didn't mean to yell it's just that, I'm, that room he said hesitantly has all of my wife's things in it! Your married? Asked Ashley feeling a little taken back. Well I was he said, she died if complications to child birth! Oh I'm so sorry said Ashley. And the baby? Ashley asked, didn't make it either he replied so all of her stuff is in there, I won't get rid of it but I can't bare to look at it. I understand said Ashley feeling heart broken for him. Her thoughts then wandered back to Margaret. She is dead I just know it thought Ashley. Ashley wanted desperately to not think like that but she couldn't help it. Ashley went in the room and began unpacking her things. The bed was neatly made and the room looks as though it hadn't been disturbed in a few years, a little dusty she thought but I'll get right on that. She opened the closet and it was full of boxes, well I can use the dresser she thought she went to close the closet when she noticed on the top shelf of the closet a framed photo she couldn't help but to look at it. It was an old woman and young man. This must be his grandma she thought but the man was not him, eh, it could be anyone. Ashley didn't think much of it and put the photo back and finished unpacking. She was so tired and after lack of sleep over the last few nights she just couldn't keep her eyes open and immediately  Ashley had fallen asleep. In mid dream Ashley has awoken to a door shutting out in the hall and footsteps Ashley got up and opened the door to see Brandon heading towards the bathroom but he seemed in a hurry. Brandon came out with a gauze on his left arm. I'm my god! Are you Ok? What happened? Asked Ashley oh it's nothing Brandon replied just a bite from one of uncle Carl's dogs! What? asked Ashley, yeah I'm taking care of them you know how dogs are when it comes to their food! No worries he said, Not the first time. Well I'm heading to bed said Brandon, well goodnight then said Ashley. Ashley was letting her curiosity get to her and wanted so badly to see what was in that room. Ashley crept across the hall and reach out for the door knob but the room was locked. Why have it locked? Ashley wondered, she went back to her room with this on her mind.

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