Ch.2 "Night Terrors".

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Tossing and Turning, Ashley woke up in a cold sweat with tears streaming down her face. I wish these nightmares would just go away!! She cried!. Every time I close my eyes I see him, even in the total darkness, I still feel his hot sour breath in my face, that bitter cold basement...Ashley shuddered at these reoccurring memories turned into horrific nightmares. I have to move past this Ashley said as she reached over to the night stand for her medication. But this is why we are going to move to a new place and start over she coaxed herself. Ashley got up to get the water and check the time, 5:02 am. Hmmm Well? I guess since I can't go back to sleep then maybe I should get back on the road, A head start is always good thought Ashley. As Ashley approached the truck she could see a piece of paper on the windshield. What is this? she thought before cautiously reaching out to grab it. She grabbed the folded up piece of paper with a trembling hand and was hesitant to open it. Ashley made a gulp sound as she felt a lump in her throat and slowly opened up the note and it read 'I knew you were alone, you didn't have to lie! People who lie get punished!!!' Ashley felt a chill down her spine, in a motion of fear and rage Ashley balled up the note and tossed it too the ground. Thomas I'm sure of it! She thought to herself. Ashley started the truck, shoot! I need gas! Ashley pulled over to the nearby gas station. It was so empty she thought. Ashley didn't see a store clerk inside, I guess I'll just pay with my card Ashley said to herself as she was still trying to shake off the creepiness of the note. As the gas was pumping Ashley started biting one of her finger nails, Ashley often did this when she was nervous or stressed. Uh come on!! The pump is so slow Ashley exclaimed. Huh? What was that? Ashley jumped at the sound coming from the darkness of the small ally behind the gas station. Hurry up! Hurry up you stupid gas pump! Ashley was still on edge because of the note. Ashley sighed with relief as a stray cat came running out from the direction of the sound. I need to stop letting everything get to me she told herself. As the gas pump clicked indicating it was done Ashley felt something rub up against her leg, she looked down to see the stray cat pacing back and fourth against her legs with a purr. Well hi said Ashley who may you be? She asked feeling a little more comforted. I think I have some left overs in here she said as she pulled out remnants of last night's dinner. The cat seemed delighted and grateful and began scarfing it up while letting Ashley calmly pet him. Well Mr cat said Ashley I have to be on my way, she opened the door and the cat jumped right in. Well, well I guess I have a travel buddy she said with a smile. Hmmmm what should I call you? She asked the cat, Elmer maybe? No, not Elmer! Hmm she thought a moment longer and observed his gray coat, I think I will call you....Smokey! Alright Smokey on to bigger and better things for the both of us Ashley said with a smile. She started up the truck and headed off looking forward to her new life with her new found companion.

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