Ch.8 "The Interview"

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          On very little sleep Ashley made a strong pot of coffee and started getting ready for her interview. The horn of a taxi blared outside. Ashley opened the door sticking her figure up as to let the taxi driver know she will be a minute. She patted Smokey head, poured him some food, grabbed her coffee and was out the door. Where to? Asked the driver, 1621 Seaforte Drive! She responded. It was a cloudy day no sun in sight. Ashley got the over whelming smell of incense that crept up her nostrils. The smell of honey and spice. It would of been a good smell if it wasn't so strong. You knew here? Asked the taxi driver? (A man much older with a gray beard and gray hair) yes Sir! Well then he said Welcome! With his rosey cheeks and friendly smile. Thank you replied Ashley. Here you are said the man already? Asked Ashley. That will be three dollars dear he said. Ashley handed him three dollars. Have a good day Ms. You too responded Ashley. Ashley stepped out of the taxi and looked up at a bright red building, this can't be right she thought. It hardly looks like a medical center. Ashley unsure, walked around the left side of the building and sure enough it was the right place. Well she thought nothing looks average around here so I should of expected This! She smiled then entered the building. May I help you? Asked the lady behind the desk. I'm Ashley Williams I'm here for an interview! Ok Me Williams said the lady, take a seat and I'll let them know your here. Ashley sat down and began looking around. This place definitely smelled like a hospital but looked very charming, beautiful sea view paintings lined the walls, and blue and white marbled tiles covers the floors. Wow they take the sea side very seriously here she thought. It's wonderful! Ma'am  the receptionist called to Ashley, Dr. Adrian will interview you know. Ashley rose up from the chair and gathered her things and followed the doctor back to his office. Dr. Adrian shook her hand. Have a seat he suggested Ashley sat. Well said Dr. adrian I see back in Kansas you have some experience in the medical field, yes sir Ashley replied. Are you flexible on hours? He asked oh yes Sir! I really need this job Ashley proclaimed but trying not to sound too desperate. Well said Dr. Adrian we will give you a try, you start Friday at 2:00 pm. Thank you so much said Ashley shaking his hand. I'm counting on you said the doctor. I'll be here said Ashley then she stepped out the office. Yessss!!! Ashley proclaimed to herself she could hardly wait. I think I'll just walk back she said to herself. Why not? I'm in a great mood so let me just dabble in it she said to herself. There was lots to do and lots to look forward too. Ashley felt happy. She couldn't wait to get back and tell her neighbor Margaret. Ashley approached Margaret's house and began knocking on the door, but no answer. Ashley knocked again but still no answer. Hmm Ashley thought, I haven't seen her in a few days Ashley realized, hope she's Ok! Maybe she's just out of town. Ashley thought after all she didnt know Margaret all that well or what she does in her personal life. Ashley started making her way back to her home when she noticed a foul smell coming from Margaret's house through a side window that was cracked an inch. Ashley feared the worst.

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