Ch.10 " The Room"

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I'll be back in a few hours Brandon said grabbing his keys off the counter. Ok! yelled Ashley from the living room Ashley opened her book and began reading. She couldn't concentrate because all she could think about was that room. Ashley knew it was wrong to be nosy but she just couldn't help the urge to find out. She placed down her book and walked over to the window to look out and make sure he was gone, Ashley then ran over to the room and tried to carefully Jimmy the door open, but no luck. She looked around for something to use and picked up a butter knife from the kitchen. This may work she thought. She wedged the knife in the door jam and it popped. Ashleys heart dropped into her stomach and her heart started to race, her adrenaline made her want to investigate but back out all at the same time. She took a deep breathe then slowly pushed open the door. She hesitated before deciding to enter. At first nothing seemed out of the ordinary just an average room from what Ashley could see. There wasn't much light since Heanvy drapes covered the windows. Ashley flipped the switch but no light came on. She strained to see into the darkness while feeling her way over to the window and opening the curtain just enough to let some light through. She looked around just as she thought a basic room. She walked around observing everything and she came to a beautiful trinket box on the dresser this must of been his wife's Ashley thought, she then picked up a photo of a young woman this must be her Ashley said out loud at the photo of a beautiful blond haired woman. She placed the photo back where she had found it. I'm dying to see her wardrobe Ashley said to herself and made her way to the closet. Ashley opened the door to the closet and the light switched worked in here when Ashley turned it on she saw two deep freezers what on earth would these be doing in a closet, she looked down to see an extension cord plugged to them. So they are On? At this point she felt some terror creeping up as she slowly approached the freezer. She placed her hand on one and Cowley opened it, she couldn't make out what she was seeing, foil covered packages and some wrapped in plastic. Ashley picked up one and it felt like maybe frozen meat, as she went to place it back she saw something further in under packages, she saw what looked Orange she did a little digging and was horrified to discover Margeret! Her frozen lifeless body in that freezer, her limbs twisted and broken, the look of fear forever frozen on her face. Ashley frantically opened the other freezer and it was the old woman in the photo, and the heads of a few other women, Ashley felt a knot in her stomach, she slowly backed up in disbelief and bumped into something ' I told you not to enter this room' she was in instant fear I I'm sorry! SHUT UP! He screamed. I DIDN'T WANT TO HURT YOU ASHLEY! But now I have no choice. You don't have to hurt me Ashley tried to reason with him. I won't tell! cried Ashley. Well I can't take that chance now can I? said Brandon. Ashley tried to make a run for it but Brandon slung her across the room and jumped on top of her and began choking her, as Ashley was fading she felt like she was spiraling back to the past and with closed eyes She saw Jeff Conner, her abductors who held her captive for a year, she was back to that everyday torture but she escaped, she could do it again....She was determined I'm not going to die today she thought to herself as she was struggling to breathe, and out of nowhere she got the strength to pull her knee up with force making a connection to his groin. Brandon on reflex let go of Ashleys throat Arching over in pain, Ashley wiggled her way free and made a run for the door. As she made it to the front door there was suddenly a pad lock on it that wasn't there before. Ashley ran to the back door and it too was pad locked! Ashley felt helpless. She remembered her phone was on the couch she ran to get it and and took cover in the utility closet and phoned the police. Ashley could hear his heavy foot steps walking through out the house. ASHLEY!! He yelled. IT DIDNT HAVE TO BE LIKE THIS! He screamed. ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS STAY OUT OF THAT ROOM!!! Ashley was trembling and trying so hard not to make a sound. She just quietly awaited the police hoping he wouldn't find her. Then it got quiet. Too quiet! A shooken Ashley made the decision to try and leave the closet she looked out left and right but didn't see him, across the way she could see the front door still had the pad lock on it. What do I do? she worried. When the cops get here I can't get to them. Ashley knew the only way was out the window. She slowly crept across the room to the nearest window it wouldn't budge to Ashleys fear it was nailed shut. Ashley gasped and ran to another window, nailed SHUT! The next one nailed SHUT! Ashley looked around for a heavy object, she found an Iron horse statute Ashley knew this would work then she heard those heavy footsteps again in a panic and last minute decision Ashley broke the window. She began climbing out through the window cutting herself on Shards of glass! Almost out she felt Brandon grab her leg Ashley began to scream and kick. He then let go as the patrol cars lights were flashing pulling up the driveway bleeding and disoriented Ashley ran up to the officer it was Sherriff McMillian. Ashley was histerical as she was explaining everything to him, the sheriff wrapped her in a blanket and placed her into the back of the patrol car and he took a seat in the front. Brandon walks out of the house Ashley starts screaming there he is! There he is! as Brandon makes his way over to the patrol car. WHY AREN'T YOU DOING ANYTHING? Ashley screamed! Then to her horror, Brandon enters the passenger seat of the car. Ashley began screaming and kicking LET ME OUT! Ashley screamed. BE QUIET! Snapped Sherriff McMillan. Ashley felt herself weakening from loss of blood and began to black out.

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