Chapter 6: Retrieving the Egg! Two New Kaiju Faunus

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 6 of this story and by the title of this chapter you should know what's going to happen in this chapter,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

Braxten P.O.V

"Braxton is at the research station as it's slowly being repaired and he looks at the new egg that was found as it was small enough to go to the height of a human's knees. The scientist that brought the egg there knew it was a Mothra egg, but sized differently, then an alarm sound is heard as Braxten goes to a monitor to see Ironwood and Ozpin along with eight teenagers waiting at the door, he pushes a button as he goes to a microphone......................
Braxten: "Can I help you with something Ironwood?"
Ironwood: "Yes. I need you to let us in, it's about the egg you found."
Braxten: "I would listen sir, but I can't. It's for the safety of everyone, I'm not gonna-"
......................he was interrupted with a metal cranking sound as he looks again to see that makes his eyes widen is the Godzilla Faunus prying open the doors with his strength as he gets alarmed.........................

3rd P.O.V

......................(Y/N) pried open the doors of the facility open as he breathes hard in anger as Ironwood looked surprised and in shock for what he just saw.....................
Ironwood: "Do you have to do that?"
(Y/N): "I did it before."
......................they walk in as they head to where Mothra's Egg is at and multiple security guards are seen getting in position with their guns pointing at them as (Y/N) growls, but Ironwood puts his hand up to them......................
Ironwood: "Stand down! Now!"
Security Guard: "Yes General!"
......................they lowered their guns as they walk past them and they head in the room where Braxten is as he looked at them...................
Braxten: "General Ironwood-"
Ironwood: "Quiet. You disobeyed me on letting me in, and now you do your own orders by *points at Mothra's Egg* bringing this egg here like you did *points at (Y/N)* him. Even not telling me about the egg."
Braxten: "I just wanted to be sure."
Ironwood: "To be sure?"
......................they started arguing as everyone watched, but Ruby looks around as (Y/N) isn't there........................
Ruby: "Hey, where's (Y/N)?"
Jaune: *looks around, then looks in the room on their otherside of the glass* "There is right there. IN the room with the egg."
.......................they all look as he walks up to it as he looked at it closely, reaches for something. But, his hand is a palm as the twins run on his hand and he lifted them towards the egg as they looked at it, they touched it as it started glowing........................
Twins: "It's hatching."
......................(Y/N) backs up as it started glowing still and also started cracking, everyone looks as they are gonna see a Mothra Faunus hatch out. The egg breaks open and as it does a little girl breaks out as she looks around:

(A/N: Remove the glasses.)

Ruby: "Is that her? That's Mothra?"Pyrrha: "Well, if you remember

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Ruby: "Is that her? That's Mothra?"
Pyrrha: "Well, if you remember. Mothra was in a larval stage as she first hatched from the egg, and what we're looking at is the Faunus version of a larva form Mothra."
Nora: "She's a cute little girl."
......................she gets out the egg as she looked up at (Y/N), then she looks at the twins as they greet her. She walked up to him and hugged his leg as he looked at her. Then he turns around and walks away as she followed him.......................
Yang: "Ain't she supposed to be scared of him?"
Twins: "Well, not really. This Mothra Faunus knew he is a Godzilla Faunus, so she stays close to him like a shy child as she waits to get out her larva stage."
Weiss: "So, (Y/N) will just be her guardian until then?"
Twins: *nods* "Yes."
......................he walks to them as the Mothra Faunus stayed behind his legs and looks at them nervously, Ruby walks up to her as she bends her legs to her level and she hid a little further.....................
Ruby: "Hi. It's nice to meet you, I'm Ruby."
Mothra Faunus: "H-H-H-Hello."
Ruby: "It's alright. We're not gonna hurt you."
Mothra Faunus: *looks up at (Y/N)*
(Y/N): *looks at her as he nods* "She means it, she won't hurt you."

Location Change-Active Volcano the volcano that recently became active, Atlas Soldiers and Scientists are there making sure that it won't cause any trouble as the temperature would raise and fall........................
Atlas Scientist 1: "Still no change, the temperature is still changing."
Atlas Scientist 2: "Well, it somehow started getting active about acouple days ago. *pushes radio button* How's everything in there?"
......................inside the volcano a team is in checking around for any changes......................
Atlas Soldier 1: "Nothing yet, the lava is flowing downward for some reason. We don't know why, but we will soon find out."
Atlas Soldier 2: "No, don't get close to it. Who knows how deep it goes."
Atlas Scientist 3: "Woah, woah, woah I got a reading."
Atlas Scientist 2: "What reading? Seismic?"
Atlas Scientist 3: "No. Life form."
......................the lava starts acting up as it bubbles, it starts glowing as something flies outta it and heads to the top of the volcano. The team that was in the volcano gets pushed back by the wind of what's flying up the volcano, they quickly get up as they run out and the lava starts rising and everyone outside the volcano runs out the buildings as they looks to see and the team gets away as they run out. Something is seen walking out the lava as its human like and lava falls off his body, the lava clears to reveal a male wearing a strange outfit:

 Something is seen walking out the lava as its human like and lava falls off his body, the lava clears to reveal a male wearing a strange outfit:

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Atlas Scientist 1: "What the hell? Who is that?"
......................the guy looks at them as he smirks with his teeth showing and suddenly wings formed on his back with his outfit and he flies off with enough wind gust to push everyone back and destroy the windows of the station.......................

Location Change-Atlas Research Station the same research station, an incoming call is happening as a guard answers it....................
Atlas Guard: "Hello? What? A flying human? *they look at him* What do you mean he came outta a volcano? How can a human come out a volcano? Okay. *looks at Ironwood* A Bullhead is on the chase, they have video."
Ironwood: "Put it on the screen."
......................they look as they saw the flying human, but (Y/N) gets up and walks towards it as he growls in anger as he knows what it is."
Ruby: "(Y/N), what's wrong?"
(Y/N): "That's no human, I know the look of that outfit he's wearing and the shape of those wings."
Ironwood: "It's another Kaiju Faunus?"
(Y/N): "Yes. And not any other Kaiju Faunus, it's a Rodan Faunus."

To be continued....................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

Remnant's New King: RWBY Harem x Godzilla Faunus Male ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin