"Whatever, Natalya," the boy huffs, obviously not wanting to continue the argument. "Let's just forget it and start over."

"He's lucky that it's not due for another week," Natalya glares. "Otherwise, I would have killed him!"

They walk off as I just stand there in an awkward silence, not really sure what to do or say.

"Let's continue walking, yeah?" Alfred suggests as if nothing had even happened.

I just follow him obediently because what else am I supposed to do?

Why would he do that? I think to myself, confused. He acts so nice around me, but he was so mean to Natalya and her friend. That doesn't seem very fair.

I guess Life was never fair to begin with, but I mean, come on.

Alfred didn't need to do that.

"Why didn't you apologize to them?" I question, looking at him despite our height difference. "That wasn't very nice of you to do that. They looked very angry that you broke their project."

"Well, if they didn't want anything to get broken, they shouldn't have walked in the hallway," Alfred repeats his words from earlier.

"But their classroom is probably that way," I tell him, jabbing my thumb behind me. "I mean, what other hallway leads down there?"

"All of the hallways make a circle," Alfred explains. "They could have gone down a different one."

I give up, knowing that it isn't worth fighting him over.

Besides, it isn't even my problem, so why do I feel like I should get involved?

It's probably just my anxiety levels bumping up due to unknown situations, I resolve. Yes, that's it. I'm sure once I'm more comfortable around here, everything will get better.

Alfred and I continue walking around the school, and as we look at all of the classrooms I'll be having my classes in, I start to feel more comfortable and relaxed already.


"I think that it's pretty cool that we have a lot of classes together," Alfred grins as we sit next to each other in the Auditorium for Orientation. "Now we'll at least know each other above everything else."

"Yeah, I guess," I reply with a short nod, not really sure if I want to be his friend now.

If he will only be nice to me and no one else, what's the point?

That's not a real friend, but a fake friend, and I've had my fair share of fake friends in my life already.

I look around, seeing that so many people from all over the world are here.

Wow, I think to myself as my eyes widen, all of them wanted to come here for University, too?

The Principal goes up to her podium, and she begins to talk about the classes and such, so I zone out.

I was already brushed up on that, mainly because I did research on this school and everything, so I already knew all of the information.

Once she is done with that, she starts doing roll call.

My last name starts with a K, so I know that I don't have to worry about anything at the moment.

I hope she doesn't mess up my name, I think, suddenly worried that it will happen.

"Alice Kirkland."

I stand up a little too quickly, thinking that I misheard her and that someone in the Auditorium coincidentally had my old name because that is entirely possible.

However, everyone in the auditorium laughing at me makes me realize that it wasn't a mistake after all.

"U-um, Miss," I nervously begin as my face burns in embarrassment, "it's Arthur Kirkland, actually."

"Oh, my apologies," the Principal replies, looking just as nervous and embarrassed as I am. "I'll have it changed right away."

I still walk up and grab my Welcome Package, finally seeing the mistake.

They have my old transcript! I think in horror.

Damn it!

When I graduated from my old school in England, I was still a girl, so my transcript still has my old name on there.

"Sorry, again," the Principal apologizes.

"It's fine," I answer with a kind smile, even though I was very angry on the inside.

As I walk off the stage, people continue laughing, calling me 'Alice' instead of 'Arthur' as a 'joke.'

This day just keeps on getting better and better, I think sarcastically as I sit in my seat next to Alfred, only to hear him laughing about the situation as well.

There goes my chance for him being my friend and having my back.

The Day We ChangedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz