“So tell me, did horns just suddenly sprout on my forehead or I’m just so damn amazing?” She uttered grinning to herself with her eyes focused on the road.

I was not able to reply instantly as I’m probably in trance looking at her or maybe confused. Either way that made her looked at me with her rakish grin.


“You’re gaping at me with amazement, so I guess I’m just freaking amazing.” She smiled at me with her heart-stopping one and I can’t help myself not to pay her with same, which made her stunned for a moment. So I have also that affect on her, it’s good to know.

Genie, eyes on the road. You can gape at me all you want when we reach our destination, I promise.” That made her cheeks tinted with pink again. I sure love that blush of hers and I want to kiss her this instant. This is the first. I can’t get enough of her soft lips and her warm and soft body next to mine. Shit! I’m doomed!

I was enjoying the ride with her over speeding. Good thing, I have experience in car racing because if not, I surely will end up on the hospital bed or worse in a casket after this having a heart attack and for sure our faces will appear on the newspapers the day after this – so the great escape will be useless after all.

Just when I thought I could tolerate her way of driving, which more like of flying, I started to think otherwise when she started hitting the red light and be a dare-devil that she is.

Holly shit! I’ll be dead any second now, that’s for sure! Should I recite all my sins and ask for forgiveness?

I heard her crunchy laughter just after she hit the red light for the second time. Yeah, that’s freaking twice in a span of ten minutes. And I can’t help myself but ask where the traffic enforcers are when they’re needed the most? I couldn’t care less even if we end up in jail, its better be there than be on our deathbed.

“You’ll put the vinegar into shame with your paleness.” She said laughing softly.

She can joke after that? She’s unbelievable!

“And for sure, we’ll put the ice into shame when we end up as cold corpses with your reckless driving.” I replied gritting my teeth in irritation.

“Hey, don’t exaggerate; I’m not trying to get us killed.”

“Then, what are you doing?”

“I’m just hitting the red light.” She replied as if that’s a very natural thing to do.

“And that means suicide, genie.” Okay, I should be alarmed now. Why? Because even if I’m pissed off with her my tongue just can’t forget to call her genie, which means my brain has already warmed up to her. In short, she’s definitely in my system now.

“I’m sure I’m not the first one who did that, so don’t freak out.”

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