Chapter Thirty-Four: New Attitude

Start from the beginning

"Look Fenster, I realize that you and Lachowski had a thing. That's not new. He's had a thing with almost all of his managers. Hell, I told you it would happen!" Johnny spoke to me sternly, with one hand supporting him on the expensive table.

Fuck, maybe he was right. I recalled the other girls that Joshua had been with who used to work for Lanning. Was I just one of those? Had I been stupid enough to fall for him, when it wasn't even real?

Had I been any different? Shit, I wasn't feeling so sure anymore.

"Fine, so he slept with people to get what he wanted. That still doesn't change my mind." I spoke with all the strength I had left in me. I didn't have much left, the least I could do was take a chance on what I used to think was real between Joshua and I.

"This has dragged on long enough. I have other important things to do, so let's just get it all out now." Martin claimed, finally leaning forward and looking like he cared. Something told me that when he finally reached this point it would be all business. None of my feelings would be spared the way Robert and even Johnny had been trying.

"You think this is all for his sister? That's right, I know all about his sister." Martin crossed his arms over his chest, looking straight at me. I was the sole recipient of his attention and let me tell you, having Martin Vance's attention is no easy thing. The man devours you with his eyes, and not in a good way.

I stayed silent, a little shocked that he knew Joshua's secret.

"All of this might be partly for his sister, but the damn truth is that Lachowski wants fame. He wants money, fame, and everything else that comes with being on top. He slept his way into the business, because his pretty face wasn't enough in the beginning. Lanning promised him everything he wanted and he got it, almost." Martin paused, while he watched it all sink in.

 "Gola Hurwitz? That idiot didn't have to sleep with anyone to get where she wanted. Her daddy did all the work for her. Michael Hurwitz isn't a billionaire for nothing. You know what a marriage between Gola Hurwitz and Joshua Lachowski means? Fame and loads of money. You weren't part of their equation Lilly, but you are part of mine." Martin Vance finished his speech and continued to stare my way.

At that point my gaze had drifted to my shoes. You know that horrible moment when you don't want to cry but the tears accumulate inside your eyelids, threatening to overflow at any point? Your eyeballs feel hot and you know that the moment you blink the dam with break and the tears will flow.

That's exactly how I felt as I stared down at the floor. I could feel Martin's gaze burning into me, along with everyone else's, although none as strong as his.

It all made sense now. Having Joshua's engagement announced in front of me for the sole purpose of being humiliated hadn't been that bad compared to this. This was when my heart really broke.

Nothing was ok, and I really needed a hug. The one person who could take all of my troubles away was the reason that the troubles existed in the first place.

Instantly, almost magically, the impending tears dried up and my gaze drifted back towards Martin Vance.

I was practically a genius, but I had known nothing about love. There was only one way for me to know the truth, because although Martin's words had rang true, so had Joshua's.

I was going to find out the truth by myself, and I knew just how to do it. For now, I would follow Martin's game. I knew that being on his side was a smart idea, at least that much I could decide.

"So, what do you need me to do?" I spoke, staring at him without any emotion. I was done with emotions, at least for a while.

It was all going to be about information, getting all of my answers. I wasn't going to cry or let myself wilt. Nope, this was the start of a new Lilly Fenster. Everyone had a secret agenda, and it was only time that I had my own.

Martin and Johnny smiled, obviously pleased with my new attitude.

"You will be the one thing that both Lanning and Joshua have always wanted. We're going to make you famous. Lachowski and Hurwitz will be yesterday's news once we're done." Martin claimed, with a slant of his brow.

"It won't even be hard. You already have the talent to make it." Robert added, looking at me with a small shy smile.

"What do you say to having your own clothing line and a spot in Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week?" Johnny asked with a giant smile on his face.

What would the old Lilly say?

Fuck no.

What would the new Lilly say?

I smiled at the three men in front of me.

"I'd say, yes."



Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and please vote! Watty awards are creepin' D:

Thank you for following Lilly this far, for your comments, votes, and fans!

Finally, the song on the right is now Lilly's theme song :D well, sort of! Give it a listen because it sort of foreshadows the following chapters. That, and I'm sort of addicted to it at the moment. :)

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