"Jimin told me that you guys met in Busan when you were children. It's amazing that you kept in touch all these years and got to reunite in Seoul. So tell me, Taehyung, what was he like as a child. Any embarrassing stories to share?"

Taehyung settles back in his chair comfortably and grins. This he can do. It's the easy part of the plan. Fabricating stories is what he's done all his life, and it comes natural to him: making up stories about nasty bruises to nosy teachers, convincing shop owners that he's off age to buy his father's alcohol.

"You wouldn't believe it with how graceful he dances, but Jimin was the clumsiest child I've ever met."

When Jimin comes back with Eun-Ji's drink, Taehyung cranes his neck to look up at him with the most innocent smile he can muster.

"You've returned at the right moment. I was just going to tell Eun-Ji about that time we were at the beach when the seagull attacked you. Remember, that time you dropped your ice cream? You were so scared that you started to cry."

Eun-Ji laughs wholeheartedly, and Jimin flicks Taehyung's forehead as he settles down at the table, clearly embarrassed about such a story that's not even true being shared with a girl he likes.

"I didn't introduce you to my girlfriend so you could make a fool out of me in front of her," he complains with a pout.

"But Jimin," Taehyung gasps dramatically and wriggles his eyebrows at her. "That's what best friends are for."


"I cooked you dinner. You can't live on takeout only," Jin says as he shoves a box into Taehyung's hand that still feels warm to the touch. "The others enjoyed it, so I hope you do too."

"Thanks, hyung," Taehyung answers as he holds the box carefully and brings it closer to his face to inhale. "It smells delicious."

"Damn well it does, and it tastes delicious as well," Jin agrees. "I heard that the meeting with Eun-Ji today went good."

Jin is making himself at home on the couch next to Taehyung as the younger teen unwraps the chopsticks and opens the lid of the box. His mouth waters just at the sight of the food and his stomach, with the perfect timing of a comedian, starts to rumble.

"Actually eat first, and tell me all about it later. Cold food is a tragedy. I can wait."

Taehyung doesn't need to be told twice, immediately digging in. The food is incredible and he hums appreciatively as he slurps in some noodles. It's not as hot as he'd like it to be, but it's a home-cooked meal with love from his hyung which makes it a hundred times better automatically.

"Meeting Eun-Ji was interesting," Taehyung says with a full mouth once the initial vigour has died down and his stomach filled up. "She's a very nice person, and I think she likes me."

"Jimin mentioned that she already invited you over to join their next movie night."

Taehyung nods and wipes away a bit of sauce that has escaped down his chin.

"Yes. It was a lot easier than I had thought. We're planning to meet up next week. But to be entirely honest with you" Taehyung lowers the chopsticks, "I have no idea where to go from here. I mean I know the plan. Infiltrate the house. Find wherever he hopefully stores the original videos. There are so many if's in that equation though. We don't know if he has the original with his face on it as well still. We don't know where it could be hidden. We don't know any of his passwords or pins or whatever."

"We have time," Jin reassures him. "You don't have to go in immediately, guns blazing. Just look around for now. That's all we can do."

"And besides," Taehyung laments, "Eun-Ji is really kind. I feel bad for doing this to her. I felt bad just lying to her all afternoon. And Jimin really likes her too."

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