"I will say, though," Dean says, "it's weird to not be allowed to swear."

"You're almost 26," Castiel reminds him. "It's got to be weird to have to follow rules, period."

"Okay, I'm a little offended that you think I don't follow any rules," Dean says. "I happen to file the law almost 80 percent of the time, thank you very much."

"I promise you, that's definitely not something to brag about," Castiel says.

"Everything's something to brag about if you try hard enough."

"But imagine that being worth bragging about."

"Okay, I haven't done anything in six months," Dean says defensively. "Almost following the law is more braggable than saying 'lol I'm lame XD.'"

"I can't believe you actually just said 'XD' out loud," Castiel says.

"Exactly my point."


"Dada?" Alex says quietly, wrapping her arms around his legs.

"What is it, sweetie?" Lucifer asks, putting a hand on her head gently.

"I miss kitty."

Castiel whispers to his fiancé, "That's so cute."

"You miss kitty?" Lucifer repeats. "What kitty?"

"Kitty!" she repeats.

"Yeah, kitty," Lucifer says. "But what kitty?"


"Lord Tyrion?" Dean guesses.

"Ooh, maybe," Lucifer says. "Do you miss Lord Tyrion?"

"I miss kitty."

"Little fluffy kitty?" Lucifer asks. "Miss Kelly's kitty?"

Alex perks up at the name. "Yeah!"

"We all miss Miss Kelly's kitty," Dean says, looking over at Castiel.

"Weird, coming from someone with a cat allergy," Castiel says teasingly.

"Maybe Miss Kelly will bring her kitty back soon," Lucifer says.


"I'll ask Miss Kelly tomorrow if she can bring her kitty up soon, how 'bout that?" Lucifer asks.


"And suddenly," Dean says, "I have competition for Lord Tyrion's biggest fan."


"I know we did a Secret Santa this year," Dean says when he and Castiel go home that night, "but I got you a gift, too."

"Wait, really?" Castiel frowns. "But I didn't get you anything."

"Don't worry about it; it's all good," Dean says. "It's nothing big. Doesn't need a return gift. Hang on, I'm gonna go grab it."

Castiel sits down on the couch while he waits. He feels bad, not getting Dean anything. He probably should have guessed Dean would get him something. They do have a relationship outside of the Secret Santa group. He may not have been able to top the giant box of flannels, but he could have done something.

Dean returns with what looks like a wrapped shoebox. As he hands it over, he says, "Again, it's nothing big, so don't get excited."

"Too late; I'm already excited." Castiel unwraps it, revealing that it was, in fact, a shoe box covered in wrapping paper.

He opens the box and takes out the gift — a picture frame with the picture face down. He flips it over, and he can't help but smile. It's a picture of Dean down on one knee, holding the ring up. Castiel has a hand over his mouth, but it would be impossible not to notice him beaming.

Even the frame is cute — it's just a plain wooden frame, but with the phrase "marry me" carved into the bottom. It takes him a moment to recognize the sharp lettering as Dean's handwriting, though he should have guessed when he saw the capital letters. Dean always writes in capital letters. It's one of his weird quirks.

"I love it," Castiel whispers, hugging the picture to his chest.

"I'm glad you do," Dean says, a small smile on his face.

"Thank you, Dean," Castiel says softly. "I love you so much."

A/N So now that you've finished the chapter go listen to Lover (and the album drops in exactly a week as of midnight EST

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