Chapter 49

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The fun part of New England during the second half of the summer is that it rains all the time. As August is nearing an end, today is no exception.

Castiel has always liked the rain. His house in New York has skylights, and he used to love lying down on the floor and watching the drops of water splatter against the windows on the ceiling. Dean's house isn't quite as cool, though, so Castiel doesn't have that luxury.

He opens the blinds in his bedroom for the first time since he arrived — he and Dean both agree it's better to keep them closed at all times, just so they don't forget they're open when they go to bed, because every A-list celebrity knows the paparazzi will take pictures of everything.

The rain must have scared people off, because there's no one waiting in front of his house today. It's a refreshing change. Castiel opens the window props his head up on his hand. Looking out at the rain like this isn't quite as satisfying as he had hoped, though.

Castiel closes the window and the blinds and heads outside. He sits down on the front steps, just far enough from the house that he's getting hit with the rain. This is nice. He hasn't gotten to be alone outside in a long time.

He must zone out for a while, because pretty soon, the impala is pulling into the driveway. When Dean steps out of the car, he gives his fiancé a confused look. Castiel just smiles back at him.

Dean walks over and sits down next to Castiel. "You're all wet — and not the fun, sexy kind."

Castiel chuckles. "Yeah, the sky started crying."

"So you came out to soak in its tears?" Dean surmises, amused.

"Pretty much."

Dean raises an eyebrow. "That's an interesting plan."

"Well, it's clearly not too weird, because you're doing the same thing," Castiel reminds him. "Except it is the sexy kind of wet on you."

Dean puts an arm around the boy. "I'm going to absorb your wetness."

Castiel laughs softly. "It shouldn't be that hard. I feel like I just got out of the pool."

"You look it, too," Dean adds. "I know you were still asleep when I left, but when did you finally wake up?"

"Like, noon-ish, I think," Castiel says. "Maybe a little earlier."

"So you basically slept all day," Dean says, amused.

"I really wasn't joking when I said I didn't get a lot of sleep in California," Castiel says. "I'm pretty sure it's a sign from the gods that I'm destined to stay in Massachusetts with you."

"Maybe I'm God, because I completely agree with that," Dean replies. "Even if it involves me getting soaked when there's literally no reason to be outside right now."

"Of course there's a reason," Castiel says. "The reason is rain."

"You could literally just take a shower," Dean reminds him. "You'll get the same effect."

"No, it's not the same effect," Castiel says. "I don't know what makes it different, but the rain is way better than a shower."

"No, rain is like the chaotic evil of water," Dean says. "Or chaotic neutral, and thunderstorms are the chaotic evil."

"And where are showers?" Castiel asks.

"Lawful good," Dean replies without hesitation.

"What about baths?" Castiel asks.

"Lawful neutral."

Castiel thinks for a moment. What other types of water are there?


"Above ground pops are neutral evil, and in ground are neutral good," Dean replies.

"Water fountains?" Castiel asks.

"The cool ones that squirt water are chaotic good, and the bubblers that you drink out of are true neutral," Dean says. "I think. Have any of these repeated yet? What is this chart? I need to write this down."

Castiel laughs. "You're way too committed to this alignment chart."

"I just think it's important to give each form of water their own place in society," Dean says with exaggerated sincerity. "Water lives matter too, Cas."

Castiel shakes his head in amusement. "You are the weirdest person I have ever met."

"I appreciate the sentiment, but we both know Lucifer's the real weirdest person you've ever met," Dean says.

Castiel chuckles. "Well, yeah, that's true, but you're slowly closing the gap between first and second weirdest."

"I'm going to take that as a compliment," Dean replies.

"It wasn't," Castiel says teasingly.

"Doesn't mean I can't take it as one," Dean says.

"That's a great way to go through life," Castiel remarks.

"I know, right?"

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